Thirty College Credit Program
Requests for the evaluation of college coursework shall be done in the form of a written request signed by the person making the request, and by submitting an official transcript from each academic institution from which coursework is to be evaluated. A person who qualifies will have 30 general education credits leading to a degree at an accredited institution of higher education. Persons meeting these requirements will receive a state-issued high school diploma and diploma verification letter.
NOTE: The 30-college credit program is another pathway in obtaining a high school diploma. If you have already received a high school diploma through graduating from a high school or by passing a High School Equivalency Assessment (GED, HiSET, TASC), you are not eligible to receive another high school diploma via the 30-college credit program.
Included in the 30 general education credits must be a minimum of three credits in each:
English language arts; mathematics (including statistics and probability); science (e.g., physics, biology, chemistry, earth sciences, engineering sciences, environmental sciences, etc.); social studies (e.g., history, sociology, psychology, anthropology, economics, law, politics, archeology, etc.);
and, six total credits in any combination of the following:
visual and performing arts; comprehensive health and physical education; world language; technology (e.g., computing, computing design, computer programming, web development, software development, database management, computing security, etc.) and 21st century life and careers (e.g., consumer sciences (formerly known as home economics), financial literacy, money management, investments, media communications, etc.)
The remaining 12 credits may be taken in any subject area; however, remedial college courses shall not count toward the credit requirement.
The minimum average grade in each class for the 30 credits shall be a C or 2.0.
(these forms are sent after the student has achieved at least 30 college credits and wants their transcripts evaluated to receive a state-issued high school diploma).