New Jersey Department of Education

Obtaining Your Access and Verification Codes with the Test Vendor ID

Note: These instructions are for obtaining your access and verification codes if you have your test vendor ID.

The access and verification codes are used to obtain your:

  • official state-issued high school diploma, and
  • offical-state issued transcript.


To obtain you acess codes with your test vendor ID:

  1. Go to the Test History login.
  2. Click on the "here" link in the sentence "If you do not have an access code or verification code, please click here for more details."
    screenshot: test history log in screen with fields for access code and verification code
  3. Enter the test vendor ID in the Test Vendor Supplied ID field.
  4. Enter your last name in the Examinee Last Name field.
    Screenshot: Test history log in with fields for test vendor supplied ID and examinee last name.
  5. Click the Proceed button.
  6. If your records are in the system, your information, including your access code and verification code, will be displayed on the screen.

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