New Jersey Department of Education

Option 2: Associate Degree with Employment Experience

Degree Requirement Options

  • Two-year degree transcript from an accredited college or university, or from an accredited career-focused institution in the approved subject area for the endorsement; or
  • Two-year degree from an accredited institute of higher education (in a different subject area) with 30 credits in a coherent sequence of courses appropriate to the subject area for this endorsement.
    • A coherent sequence requires that at least 12 credits are completed at the advanced level of study (junior, senior or graduate level).
    • Coursework in teacher preparation or pedagogy cannot be accepted for this requirement.
    • The 30 credits shall be obtained either from an accredited college or university or from an accredited career-focused institution(s), or from a combination thereof.

The approved subject areas are listed by endorsement on Step 1: Establishing Eligibility.

Grade Point Average (GPA) Requirement

Note: Degree must be in an eligible associate degree program.

Minimum GPA by Graduation Date
Candidate Graduation Date Minimum Cumulative GPA (when 4.00 equals an A)
Before September 1, 2016 2.75
On or after September 1, 2016 3.00

Employment Experience

Evidence of a minimum of two years (4,000 hours) of full-time employment or equivalent part-time employment in the Occupational Information Network (O*NET) job descriptions listed by endorsement on Step 1-Establishing Eligibility.

Approved Substitutes for 4,000 hours

  • Industry credentials may be considered equivalent to the employment experience requirement. Candidates may submit industry credentials which are subject to review by the New Jersey Department of Education.
  • Teaching – Up to three years of substantive teaching experience in the occupation may be used as a substitute for three of the required four years of occupational experience.

Verification of Employment

  • The eligible employment must be verified by each employer using the Statement of Practical Experience form. This form will be emailed to the employer when the candidate enters the contact information for each employer through the NJEdCert portal.
  • Employers completing a Statement of Practical Experience form should comment on the candidate’s work performance and safety practices using general occupational competencies for eligible employment experience as detailed in the federal Occupational Information Network (O*NET) job descriptions.  

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