New Jersey Department of Education

Uses of Federal ESEA Funds during Mandated COVID-19 School Closure

FY 2020 ESEA Consolidated Subgrant Application

LEAs will be able to submit amendments to originally approved ESEA Consolidated Subgrant Applications beyond the standard May 15 deadline.  Currently, every effort is being made to review and approve all outstanding amendment applications submitted prior to the mandatory COVID-19 school closures.

During the mandatory school closure period, LEAs should continue to submit monthly reimbursement requests for payment of ESEA funds for any incurred expenses within each respective month.  For further information on reimbursement requests, please see FY 2020 ESEA Quick Start Guide.

FY 2020 ESEA Carryover Funds

An LEA may carry over more than 15% of its annual Title I, Part A allocation if the LEA requests and is granted a Title I, Part A carryover waiver from the NJDOE.  The LEA, however, is restricted to requesting and being granted a Title I, Part A carryover waiver ONLY once every three (3) years.  Due to the current pandemic and resulting school closures, the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) is working with the U.S. Department of Education in requesting a statewide waiver to this 15% Title I, Part A carryover limitation (ONLY once every three years) on 2019-2020 (FY 2020) Title I, Part A funds.  This waiver would allow any LEA that was granted a Title I, Part A carryover waiver in either the 2017-2018 or 2018-2019 project periods to request and be granted a Title I, Part A carryover waiver for the 2019-2020 project period and carry this unexpended balance of Title I, Part A funds into the 2020-2021 project period (FY 2021).

There are no restrictions to carryover amounts for the Title II, Part A; Title III, Part A; Title III Immigrant, or Title IV, Part A grant program.  If necessary, an LEA still will be able to carry over up to 100% of its Title II, Part A; Title III, Part A; Title III Immigrant; and Title IV, Part A funds.   

Spending Funds During the Mandated School Closures

Guidance on the Use of Federal Funds During COVID-19 (May 4, 2020)

If an LEA budgeted ESEA funds (under any title) to cover the cost of employees’ salaries and benefits, and the LEA’s FY 2020 ESEA Consolidated Subgrant Application or Amendment Application was approved by the NJDOE, the LEA may use those federal ESEA funds to compensate employees currently paid from these funds.  Please Note: The LEA must maintain appropriate records and cost documentation as required by 2 CFR §200.302 – Financial Management and 2 CFR §200.333 – Retention requirement of records.  

An LEA may continue to utilize ESEA funds (under any title) as programmed and budgeted in its approved, FY 2020 ESEA Consolidated Subgrant Application or Amendment Application.  The LEA must ensure all implemented programs, services, and/or activities, along with the associated budgeted costs, are necessary, reasonable, and allocable to the associated title program.  The LEA must maintain appropriate records and cost documentation as required by 2 CFR §200.302 – Financial Management and 2 CFR §200.333 – Retention requirement of records.  

Nonpublic Services

During this period of school closures, LEAs should consult with their nonpublic school colleagues, to discuss any necessary changes to ESEA funded programs, services, and/or activities, that were articulated during consultation and approved in the LEA’s FY 2020 ESEA Consolidated Subgrant Application or Amendment Application.  The LEA must ensure all agreed upon changes to nonpublic programs, services, and/or activities, along with the associated budgeted costs, are necessary, reasonable, and allocable to the associated title program.  The LEA must maintain appropriate records and cost documentation as required by 2 CFR §200.302 – Financial Management and 2 CFR §200.333 – Retention requirement of records.  

Federal Guidance

On March 9, 2020, the U.S. Office of Management and Budget issued M-20-11, Administrative Relief for Recipients and Applicants of Federal Financial Assistance Directly impacted by the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).”  Please access this federal guidance for further information on implementation of ESEA entitlement programs during this period of mandatory school closures.

Additional Guidance

For additional questions related to the ESEA grant process, please email

Questions related to programs under ESEA should be directed to the following email accounts:

Page Last Updated: 05/04/2020 15:38:23

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