Transfer Applicant Request

  1. Access the Transfer process.

  2. Select the third option: "Transfer Request (Only Substitutes and Bus Drivers are eligible)."

  3. Enter your Social Security number to ascertain whether you are eligible for the process.  Click "Continue."

  4. The screen will display two options:
    For all bus drivers only
    For all other job categories

  5. Select the option applicable to the position for which you are requesting the transfer.  Complete the requested applicant information, including the county/district/school/contractor-vendor codes furnished to you by your employer and click on the "Next" button.

  6. Review your information and submit your credit card payment. There is a $5.00 administrative fee plus a service charge. Click "Continue" and then click "Make Payment" at the bottom of the next page.

  7. The Payment Confirmation page will state "Your ePayment transaction has been processed successfully."  Print a copy of this receipt.

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