New Jersey Department of Education

Uses of Title IV, Part A Funds

Below is a general overview of allowable and unallowable activities to support Title IV, Part A program planning activities. A comprehensive needs assessment should be used to determine the appropriate use of funds as they relate to the three content areas. LEAs may apply for Title IV, Part A funds as a single applicant, as a member of a consortium, or as the lead member of a consortium.

LEAs and consortiums with allocations of $30,000 and greater must use a minimum of 20% of their total allocation to support Well-Rounded Educational Opportunities.

Allowable Expenditures

General Allowable Expenditures:

  • Salaries of personnel to carry out identified programs and services.
  • Supplemental educational resources and equipment.
  • Direct services for students.
  • Equitable services for eligible private school students and teachers.

Activities to support a well-rounded education:

  • Improving access to foreign language instruction, arts, and music education.
  • Providing programming to improve instruction and student engagement in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), including computer science, and increasing access to these subjects for underrepresented groups.
  • Promoting access to accelerated learning opportunities including Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) programs, dual or concurrent enrollment programs and early college high schools.
  • Strengthening instruction in American history, civics, economics, geography, government education, and environmental education.

Activities to support Safe and Healthy Students:

  • Promoting community and parent involvement in schools.
  • Providing school-based mental health services and counseling.
  • Promoting supportive school climates to reduce the use of exclusionary discipline and promoting supportive school discipline.
  • Establishing or improving dropout prevention.
  • Supporting re-entry programs and transition services for justice-involved youth.
  • Implementing programs that support a healthy, active lifestyle (nutritional and physical education).
  • Implementing systems and practices to prevent bullying and harassment.
  • Developing relationship building skills to help improve safety through the recognition and prevention of coercion, violence, or abuse.
  • Establishing community partnerships.

Activities to support Effective Use of Technology:

  • Supporting high-quality professional development for educators, school leaders, and administrators to personalize learning and improve academic achievement.
  • Building technological capacity and infrastructure.
  • Carrying out innovative blended learning projects.
  • Providing students in rural, remote, and underserved areas with the resources to benefit from highquality digital learning opportunities.
  • Delivering specialized or rigorous academic courses and curricula using technology, including digital learning technologies and assistive technology.

Unallowable Expenditures

  • Administrative costs that exceed 2%
  • Technology infrastructure costs that exceed 15% of funds allocated for Effective Use of Technology.
  • These include:
    • Devices
    • Equipment
    • Software applications
    • Platforms
    • Digital instructional resources and /or other one-time IT purchases
  • Costs for activities that supplant and are not supplemental
  • Costs associated with purchase of firearms, storage, and training

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