New Jersey Afterschool Program-Competitive

Division: Educational Services

Office: Student Support Services

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The New Jersey Afterschool Summer Program is open to eligible applicants willing to expand existing out-of-school time (OST) programs to offer high-quality, engaging activities to youth throughout New Jersey. It is expected that these programs will increase students’ career and college readiness and increase positive student behavior while engaging parents/guardians. The applicant must enhance educational experiences for students between the ages of five and 18 years old by providing targeted activities in at least one of the following areas: academic support; intervention and/or enrichment in any subject area; career exploration; or community service.

The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) has established a six-month grant program. This limited-competitive grant program is open to any national or statewide public or private 501(c)(3) youth-serving organization and Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) grantees not funded for the 2024-2025 academic year, excluding non-public schools, but limited to those that:

  • have implemented an afterschool program that has been evaluated and demonstrated positive results via an external evaluation, data entered into the state reporting system PARS21, or the federal reporting system 21APR; and
  • have at least four years’ experience operating an OST program; and
  • currently operate an afterschool or summer enrichment program serving New Jersey youth from low-income families.

Grantees who did not adhere to the NJDOE reporting requirements and deadlines in accordance with the 21st CCLC and/or NJASP NGO are not eligible to apply. In addition, grantees or previous grantees requiring a corrective action plan and/or non-compliant with 21st CCLC and/or NJASP grant requirements are not eligible to apply.

Based on the availability of FY25 state appropriations, this grant program will begin March 1, 2025 and will end on August 31, 2025.


Eligible Agencies: Statewide Public or Private Youth Serving Org not funded in FY 2024

Grant Type: Competitive

Number of Award(s) Anticipated: 2-4

Application Due Date: 1/14/2025

Total Amt. Available: $800,000

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