New Jersey Department of Education

Strategies to Improve Communication

Office of Special Education

“The importance of communication between school and home cannot be overstated. Research shows that students with engaged families earn higher grades and test scores, adapt more quickly, attend school more regularly, have better behavior and social skills, and go on to graduate at higher rates.” (2022)

Communication Tips

  1. Communicate directly with the people involved as soon as possible.
  2. Listen deeply to demonstrate understanding.
  3. Body language matters. Be mindful of what you say and how you deliver your statements.
  4. Create a welcoming environment.
  5. Treat others with respect.
  6. Do not use acronyms in messages or conversation.
  7. Get to the bottom of the concern.
  8. Write things down and provide follow-up when needed. If follow up is needed, be sure to respond in a timely manner.
  9. Think before you speak.
  10. Check your messages before you hit send.
  11. It is often better to pick up the phone than a send an email.

For Districts

Consider adding a link on the main webpage on “Communicating with your child’s school” that outlines how to best resolve a question or concern.

Example: Who do you go to first?

Page Last Updated: 10/06/2023

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