School Improvement Panels (ScIPs)
The School Improvement Panel
The TEACHNJ Act requires that all schools convene a School Improvement Panel (ScIP) with the charge of providing leadership in the areas of teacher evaluation, mentoring, and professional development.
The ScIP is not the sole body responsible for implementation of these systems and programs, but plays a significant role in coordinating initiatives and ensuring the consistent application of requirements across the school. The ScIP can help ensure that teachers (a) receive useful feedback on their practice and their students' learning outcomes, (b) experience high-quality, tailored professional learning, and (c) are a respected voice in decision making.
In collaboration with educators and other stakeholders across the state, the Department has developed this ScIP Guidance 1.0 to share recommendations and promising practices from ScIP implementation in 2013-14. To share suggestions, examples, or other information from local ScIPs, please email
In collaboration with educators and other stakeholders across the state, the Department is developing ScIP resources for districts and schools. To share suggestions, examples, or other information from local ScIPs, please email
For more information on AchieveNJ, New Jersey's educator evaluation and support system, please visit the AchieveNJ website and the ScIP page.