New Jersey Department of Education

Culturally Responsive Practices

Culturally responsive practices create a supportive, inviting environment where students, particularly those who have been marginalized, feel a sense of belonging. Schools that engage in culturally responsive practices create an environment that acknowledges and embraces students’ cultural referents and funds of knowledge, hold high expectations for all students and use an asset-based mindset when engaging with students. This school environment also gives students agency and voice as well as fosters critical thinking and self-reflection. In these schools, students see their cultural identities reflected in the curriculum, books and materials.

This section includes a wide range of resources such as brief articles, evidence-based literature and other tools to assist districts in fostering safe, welcoming and inclusive environments for all students.

Note About Resources

The resources provided on this webpage are for informational purposes only. All resources must meet the New Jersey Department of Education’s (NJDOE) accessibility guidelines. Currently, the NJDOE aims to conform to Level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1). However, the NJDOE does not guarantee that linked external sites conform to Level AA of the WCAG 2.1. Neither the Department of Education nor its officers, employees or agents specifically endorse, recommend or favor these resources or the organizations that created them. Please note that the Department of Education has not reviewed or approved the materials related to the programs.

Page Last Updated: 05/23/2024

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