Healthy New Jersey

Healthy NJ 2020

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Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Regular sexually transmitted disease (STD) screening, early detection, and consistent treatment are all essential to maintaining sexual and reproductive health. Many STDs are asymptomatic, but when left untreated, can cause serious health problems including infertility in both men and women, life-threatening congenital problems in newborns, and STD-related cancers.  STDs also increase a person's risk for HIV.


Progress Toward Target

*Figures shown are a mix of counts, percentages, rates, and ratios. Click the Objective statement for more information about the corresponding measure.

Exceeding Target
At/Making progress toward Target
Not progressing toward Target
Negative progression toward Target

Final Assessment

None of the Sexually Transmitted Diseases targets were achieved by 2020.


For more information, please refer to these resources:


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