Many NJ FamilyCare members need help getting to medical appointments. Transportation is important to improving health and well-being.
To address this concern, Medicaid covers “non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT)” rides for eligible individuals to obtain medically necessary, covered services.
This coverage is called “non-emergency medical transportation,” because it does not involve a medical emergency.
Modivcare, the state’s medical transportation broker, provides non-emergency medical transportation to NJ FamilyCare clients living anywhere in the state.
Passengers should call to request rides two days prior to their appointment. You can request trips over the phone one month ahead of the appointment. There is no limit to how far in advance a trip can be requested when it is submitted online.
The following information is required when book an appointment:
- Your NJ FamilyCare ID number
- Your pick-up address and zip code
- Name, phone number and address of medical provider
- Appointment time and date
- Special transportation needs
How to Use Your Transportation Benefit:
Make an appointment for a ride: 1-866-527-9933
Book your trip online:
Healthcare Facility Line: 1-866-527-9945 (for standing orders and hospital discharges)
“Where’s my Ride?”
For return trips (will call) or if a Transportation provider is running late or doesn’t arrive, call: 1-866-527-9934
To file a formal complaint: 1-866-333-1735
For more information about the service, visit: