DHS Home > Get Involved with DHS: Employment, DHS Police, Nurses, Public Boards/Councils > Get Involved with DHS!
Get Involved with DHS!
There are numerous ways to get involved with the Department of Human Services. Besides working within its Divisions or at Central Office, there are employment opportunities with DHS Nurses or the Human Services Police at DHS facilities across the state.
If you are looking for employment with DHS, come to this site and click on the Employment Opportunities link below to see up-to-date listings for positions that span the entire department.
Also important are the many boards, commissions and councils which are made up of volunteer citizens and stakeholders who offer advice and counsel to the department and its various divisions.
Employment Opportunities...
Employment with DHS
Human Services Police
DHS Nurses
Careers in Addiction Services
Pre-Doctoral Psychology Internship Program
Volunteer Opportunities...
Volunteers and advocates can also get involved by serving as members of many Boards, Commissions and Task Forces which focus on specific areas of the Human Services department. Check the page below for a comprehensive list of these entities which serve DHS and its divisions.
Public Advisory Boards, Commissions, Councils and Task Forces