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Workforce Professional Technical Assistance

NJ Workforce Innovation Notices (NJWINS)


23 #
Subject  Issue

PY22 Policy Updates and Listing of Current Policies

23-2 One Stop Career Center Adult Basic Education and English Language Acquisition Testing and Intake Guidance 09/05/23
23-3 Functional Alignment in American Job Centers 09/19/23
23-4 Additional Infrastruture Funding Agreement (IFA) Guidance 09/19/23
23-5 Service Integration and Co-Enrollment 09/26/23
23-6 Required Complaint Posters 10/20/23
PS23-1 TEGL 3-23 (Outreach Activities) 10/19/23
PS23-2 TEGL 9-22 (Youth Programs) 10/26/23
PY-23-7.1 Vendor and Partner Access to AOSOS 03/25/24
PY-23-8 Current Poverty Guidelines and Lower Living Standard Income Levels 04/17/24







22 #
Subject  Issue
22-1 ETPL Requirement and Monitoring Procedures for Work-Based Learning Contracts 07/08/22
22-2 Program Year 2022 Budget 07/08/22
22-3.1 One Stop Career Center Partners 11/3/23
22-4.2 New Jersey Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Infrastructure Funding Agreement 01/30/23
22-5.1 Competitive Procurement of Title I One Stop Operator, Career Services and Youth Services 10/30/23
22-6 American Job Centers Requirements 03/24/23
22-8 Tuition Waiver Program Overview and Procedures 03/17/23
22-9 Unified One Stop Career Center Complaint Procedure 03/24/23
22-10 Data Validation Policy 03/24/23
22-11 Homeless Veteran Reintegration Program Grantee Policy 03/24/23
22-12 USDOL Resources 03/24/23
22-14.2 Additional Benefits Training (ABT) 11/13/23
22-15 WIOA Transfer of Funds and Additional Funding Requests 06/29/23
22-16 Local Workforce Development Boards Budget Guidelines and Requirements 05/1/24



21 #
Subject  Issue
21-1 SkillUp New Jersey Policy 07/16/21
21-3.1 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Formula-Funded On-the-Job Training (OJT) Policy 12/1/23
21-4.1 WIOA Title I Incumbent Worker Training Policy 12/1/23
21-5 WIOA Title I Placement, Exit, and Follow-up Policy 12/16/21
21-6 WD-PY21-6 Local Governance policy 05/16/22







20 #
Subject  Issue

MSFW Monitoring Protocol







WD-PY 19 #  Subject  Issue Date
19-3 Monitoring Policy and Procedures for Workforce Development Programs 10/10/19
19-4 Procedures for Reporting Fraud, Program Abuse or Criminal Misconduct 10/16/19
19-6 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Eligibility and Self-Attestation 11/04/19
19-6.1 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Eligibility and Self-Attestation Policy 01/13/20
19-7 WIOA Youth Individual Service Strategy 01/10/20
19-8 Individual Employment Plan (IEP) 01/17/20
19-9 Recording Case Notes 01/21/20
  CASAS Memo 04/10/19














NJWIN #  Subject   Issue Date
1-17 Youth Work Experience 7/14/17
2-17 Supplemental Wages 8/7/17
6-17 Youth Program Element Technical Assistance Guide 10/18/17
8-17 Credential Attainment and Measurable Skills Gain Indicators of Performance 1/17/18
9-17 Initial Intake and Assessment Form 2/15/18
11-17 Adding Attachments to Customer Records in America’s One-Stop Operating System 4/6/18













NJWIN #  Subject   Issue Date
3-16 Adult/Dislocated Worker Eligibility 7/18/16
5-16 Initial Co-Enrollment Procedures  7/22/16
8-16  Additional Co-Enrollment 9/22/16 
10-16 Supportive Services 10/25/16
11-16 Priority of Service 10/25/16
14-16 Additional Co-enrollment Procedures, Revised 12/8/16
15-16 Performance Accountability Guidance 1/20/17
16-16 WIOA Youth Program Eligibility Guidelines 2/3/17


















NJWIN #  Subject   Issue Date
1-15 WIOA Adult/Dislocated Worker Eligibility Guidelines 9/14/15
3-15 TEGL 4-15 (USDOL WIOA Vision) 9/14/15 
6-15  Personally Identifiable Information Policy Requirements 11/2/15 
8-15  Youth Assessment/Individual Service Strategy Requirements  11/4/15 
10-15 WIOA Youth Program Design and Leveraging 12/23/15
13-15 WIOA Work-Based Training Provisions 1/25/16

Webinar Archives


Work-Based Learning (WBL) 101 Overview

Work-Based Learning (WBL) 102 Candidate and Employer Processes

Work-Based Learning 201 Lead Generation, Prospecting, and Getting Past Gatekeepers

Work-Based Learning 202 The Six Steps of the Sale

Work-Based Learning 301 Contracting, Invoicing, and Fiscal Trackers


September, 2021

August, 2021

May, 2021

  • March, 2021



Friday, February 6, 2015

External Stakeholder Kick-Off

• Webinar PowerPoint

• Webinar Chat Responses


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Services to Individuals with Disabilities

• Webinar PowerPoint

• Recorded Webinar


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Governance and Planning

• Webinar PowerPoint

• Recorded Webinar


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Performance Accountability

• Webinar PowerPoint

• Recorded Webinar


Thursday, February 19, 2015

Career Pathways and Industry Partnerships

• Webinar PowerPoint


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Services to Youth

• Webinar PowerPoint

• Recorded Webinar


Thursday, February 26, 2015

One-Stop Operations

• Webinar PowerPoint

• Recorded Webinar


WDB Resources

- Mileage Reimbursement Circular
- Local Governance Meeting FAQ (June 2022)
-2022 State Plan Modification Summary
- 12/21 Exploring Work-Based Learning Opportunities Policy Refresher
-  10/21 MSFW Policy
- 08/21 WIOA Service Priorities Policy Refresher
- Transitional Jobs
NJ Sample Infrastructure
Sample MOU
WDB Contacts
New Jersey Intake & Initial Assessment Form
- New Jersey Intake Cheat Sheet
Career Videos
Poverty Guidelines
Lower Living Standard Income Levels
High Poverty Areas
- Income Calculation Methods

Local Veterans Representatives
- Partnerships - Pathways - Credentials
- New Jersey Blueprint for Talent Development
- Section 188 Guide

- USCIS - Refugee-Asylee Guidance
- Cultural Barriers to Employment Policy Refresher
Frequently Asked Questions – PY21 OJT Allocations and Mandatory Training Funds
- Frequently Asked Questions – AOSOS Data-Entry
- Defining Cultural Barriers to Employment Policy Refresher
- WIOA 2024-27 State Plan – Overview of NJDOL Teams and Structure
- WIOA 2024-27 State Plan – Overview of State Governance and Service Delivery Structure
- WIOA 2024-27 State Plan - Universal Service Delivery Components
- WIOA 2024-27 State Plan – One Stop Career Center Service Flow
- WIOA 2024-27 State Plan – Overview of Workforce Programs Serving Underserved Populations

Federal Resources

Technical Assistance

United States Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration WIOA Resource Page:

WorkforceGPS Innovation and Opportunity Network (ION) Community of Practice:

USDOL Quick Links: 
