Frequently Asked Questions


Questions and Information for LSRPs and Prospective LSRPs:

Check the LSRP Comprehensive Report on Dataminer – follow this link and click on "License Site Remediation Professional Comprehensive Report"

Check the Case Tracking Tool on Dataminer – follow this link and click on "Case Tracking Tool by LSRP"

Check the Financial Obligations Summary Report on Dataminer – follow this link and click on "Financial Obligation Summary Report"

To become an LSRP you must submit an application for the license and take an examination. The examinations are administered by the Board approximately every 18 months – the date of the next upcoming examination is posted on the home page of the Board Website. Qualifications for the license and the license application are found on the Board Website

If you are no longer active in the field of site remediation at all, you may inactivate your license by submitting the inactivation form. If you are still active in the field of site remediation you may not inactivate your license. However, you may choose not to renew it when it expires. All LSRPs with inactive and expired licenses must maintain all data, documents, records and information for the sites for which they have been retained.
Questions and Information about the Board and Board Meetings:

All meetings for the year are posted on the Board Website [Schedule]

All agenda and minutes are posted on the Board Website [Meetings]

Biographies of the Board Members are posted on the Board Website [Resumes]

A list of the Board Committees and Board Members serving on each Committee is found on the Board Website [Board Members]

Letters of interest and resumes from New Jersey residents interested in serving on the SRPL Board are always welcome – follow this link for more information

The Board Budgets and Board Fee Calculation Reports are found on the Board Website – follow this link for the Budgets And follow this link for the Fee Reports

A list of Board Staff and contact information is found on the Board Website – Contact Information
Questions and Information about hiring an LSRP:

LSRPs are listed in Dataminer – follow this link and click on "Licensed Site Remediation Professional List"

The Board has prepared a hiring guide

The Board randomly audits LSRPs. If an LSRP has been audited, he or she will be listed on the Board Website – Audit Results The Board also publishes the names of LSRPs that have been found in violation of the Rules of the Site Remediation Professional Licensing Board – Board Disciplinary Decisions. If an LSRP has been the subject of a complaint, but the Board dismissed the complaint or found no violation, the LSRP’s name and identifying information will not be published in the summary of the outcome of the complaint. The Board Website also lists the names of all LSRPs with suspended, revoked, inactive or expired licenses – List of Inactive LSRPs and Expired Licenses

Complaints may be submitted to the Board on the Complaint Form The Board will consider complaints that a person has violated the Site Remediation Reform Act (N.J.S.A. 58:10C-1 et seq.) or any rule, regulation or order adopted or issued pursuant thereto; or knowingly made any false statement, representation or certification in any documents or information submitted to the Site Remediation Professional Licensing Board or the Department of Environmental Protection. For other complaints please seek legal advice. Note that the Board will not accept anonymous complaints.
Questions and Information about Continuing Education for LSRPs:

All approved courses are listed on the Board Website in three tables – all approved courses, approved courses that are upcoming, and all approved courses in a searchable table – [Education]

Applications for approval of Continuing Education Credit for Continuing Education Programs may be submitted by a provider of a program or by an attendee of the program if the provider has not or does not plan to submit an application – Information for Course Providers and LSRPs

According to the Board Rules at NJAC 7:26I-4.3(d), no more than 18 continuing education credits per three-year license term may be earned from Board approved alternative verifiable learning format programs.

"Alternative verifiable learning format" means any continuing education that is presented in a format that does not provide the ability to interact with the instructor or other participants during the presentation.

If you attend a program simultaneously to it being presented, whether you attend in-person or virtually, and you are able to interact with the instructors and other participants to ask questions or make comments via voice or chat, that is considered a live program, not alternative verifiable learning format. However, if you attend a program that you access on-demand, not simultaneously with its presentation, that is considered an alternative verifiable learning format program.

For either type of continuing education program, to verify your attendance you must provide to the Board a certificate with the name of the course, the date attended, the Board Course Number, and the number and type of continuing education credits, which is signed by a representative of the provider.

Questions and Information about Rules, Forms, Guidance

The Department of Environmental Protection – Site Remediation Program Rules

The Department of Environmental Protection – Site Remediation Program Forms