Healthy New Jersey

New Jersey Governor's Council on Mental Health Stigma

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Tricia and Kurt Baker

Mental Health:

The Bakers present their experiences as they sought and obtained inpatient treatment for their son, Kenny, who suffered from depression and suicidal ideation.  Mrs. Baker frankly discusses the reactions of friends, family and the community, and how the family felt and coped with the surrounding stigma.  Click here to see the interview.

Attitudes in Reverse:

Mr. Baker discusses the misconceptions people have about individuals with mental illness:  focusing on the difficulties of recognizing mental illness when their child, Kenny, was very intelligent, high achieving, involved in activities.  The Bakers discuss warning signs.  Following Kenny's diagnosis, he had a great deal of difficulty speaking with his friends, and the rest of the family experienced a lack of compassion in the school system, from extended family and friends.  Click here to see the interview.

Attitudes In Reverse
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:    1 (800) 273-8255 

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