The New Jersey Human Trafficking Task Force (NJHTTF), convened by the Attorney General and the Division of Criminal Justice, describes trafficking in persons as modern day slavery. According to the NJHTTF brochure, "Victims of human trafficking, men, women and children, can be exploited for the purpose of commercial sexual activity, including prostitution and pornography, as well as many types of forced labor, including domestic servitude and migrant agricultural work. Traffickers lure and control their victims through the use of force, fraud, or coercion, and employ techniques such as physical and psychological abuse, false employment offers, document holding, and isolation.” (NJHTTF Brochure - [pdf])
Human trafficking is a rapidly growing criminal industry. Due to New Jersey’s dense population and prominent location along the Interstate 95 corridor, our State is considered particularly vulnerable to the proliferation of human trafficking. It is important to raise awareness about this issue, learn how to identify potential trafficking situations and understand the impact human trafficking has on those affected.For more information and additional resources on human trafficking, including a list of NJ Human Trafficking Liaisons by County, please visit the NJHTTF website link below.
Statewide Human Trafficking Service Provider
Covenant House New Jersey
24/7 call center support, case management and case coordination for survivors of human trafficking of any age and any housing status in NJ.
24/7 Call Center Phone (All Ages): 862-240-2453
If you live in North Jersey, Call: 973-621-8705
If you live in South Jersey, Call: 609-348-4070
Covenant House New Jersey (
New Jersey Human Trafficking 24 HR Hotline:
855-END-NJ-HT (855-363-6548)
New Jersey Coalition Against Human Trafficking (NJCAHT)
A coalition of more than 180 diverse groups whose mission is to unite NJ communities to end human trafficking.
Web: New Jersey Coalition Against Human Trafficking (
NJ Human Trafficking Services (Dream Free)
Operated by Avanzar (formerly the Atlantic County Women’s Center)
Provide statewide services to youth survivors of human trafficking, ages 21 and under. The Dream Free program works from a 4-P perspective: Prevention, Protection, Prosecution & Partnership.
24 Hr. Hotline: 1-800-286-4184
Phone: 609-646-6767
Operated by Legal Services of New Jersey (LSNJ)
LSNJ launched this anti-Human Trafficking initiative to assist individuals, regardless of age or immigration status, for both sex and labor trafficking, throughout the state. LSNJ provides holistic and comprehensive civil legal services through the staffing of PROTECT and the resources of the state-wide legal services system.
Phone: 1-844-576-5776
National Human Trafficking Hotline
24 Hr. Hotline: 1-888-373-7888
Text: BE FREE (233733); text “HELP” or “INFO”