Healthy New Jersey

New Jersey Youth Resource Spot


The Siblings' Bill of Rights

The “Siblings’ Bill of Rights,” was signed into law by Governor Murphy in January 2023.  This bill was developed by the NJ DCF Youth Council who recognized the importance of siblings and remaining involved in the lives of their siblings throughout foster care system.  

Specifically, the bill affords the following provisions for youth in foster care: 

  • to have access to phone calls and virtual visits in between face-to-face visits with their siblings, and 
  • to be placed in the closest proximity possible to other siblings who are not in out-of-home placement
  • to be placed together in resource homes and congregate (group) care settings unless such placements are not in the best interests of one or more of the siblings
  • If placement together is not possible, when it is in the best interests of the child: 
    • the recommendations and wishes of each sibling who participates in the permanency planning decision will be documented in their case records and provided to the court; 
    • DCF workers will communicate expectations for continued contact with the child’s siblings after adoption or transfer of custody (subject to the approval of the adoptive parents or caregiver); 
    • Youth in placement will have the following rights: 
      • to be promptly informed about changes in sibling placements or permanency goals; 
      • to be actively involved in the lives of their siblings, including birthdays, holidays, and other milestones; 
      • to not be denied sibling visits as a result of behavioral consequences when residing in a resource family home or congregate care setting; and 
      • to be provided updated contact information for all siblings at least annually (unless not in the best interests of one or more siblings).   

Sibling Bill of Rights Quick Notes (Click on image for full PDF)
(Click on image for full pdf)

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