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Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services

Uniform Certification Service

Prior to initiating the online certificate session, please review the below list. The list shows the various documents that are required to successfully apply for each certification. If you do not have the documents for the certification you want to apply for, please be aware that you will not be able complete the online application until those documents are available.

Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Document Requirements:

  • No documents required

Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Document Requirements:

First year Provisional Certificate

  • The names and addresses of the owner, partners, or shareholders, as applicable, and their representative shares of ownership;
  • The names and addresses of members of the board of directors, in the case of corporations;
  • The names and addresses of the officers of the business;
  • The number of shares of stock issued and outstanding, in the case of a corporation;
  • The articles of incorporation, bylaws, partnership agreements, or joint venture agreements, as applicable;
  • Certificate of Formation;
  • Organizational charts;
  • An applicant's birth certificate, motor vehicle driver's license, passport, or other acceptable form of identification; and
  • An affidavit, signed by the individual seeking certification, certifying that the applicant is a minority business as defined pursuant to section 2 of P.L. 1986, c. 195 (N.J.S.A. 52:27H-21.18 ).

Example Affidavits click here

5 year Recertification:

  • Place of business;
  • Names and addresses of the officers of the business;
  • Names and addresses of capital investors and the amount of capital contributed. Gifted ownership shall not be considered;
  • Personal and Corporate Tax Returns for each owner, director, and officer of the business for the past three consecutive years (including W2s);
  • The bonding capacity and history of the business;
  • The affiliation of the business or any of its owners, officers, or directors with any other business entity;
  • A current organizational chart;
  • A representative list of current and prior clients for the past two years, where applicable;
  • A complete list of major real and personal property holdings of the business;
  • A complete disclosure of financial statements and balance sheets;
  • A complete listing of banking institutions with which the business is affiliated;
  • A complete listing of previously attained certifications and a listing of all legal entities that denied certification; and
  • Copies of office/warehouse, lease/rental agreements, and/or deeds, and mortgages, when home-based.

Women-owned Business Enterprise (WBE) Document Requirements:

First year Provisional Certificate

  • The names and addresses of the owner, partners, or shareholders, as applicable, and their representative shares of ownership;
  • The names and addresses of members of the board of directors, in the case of corporations;
  • The names and addresses of the officers of the business;
  • The number of shares of stock issued and outstanding, in the case of a corporation;
  • The articles of incorporation, bylaws, partnership agreements, or joint venture agreements, as applicable;
  • Certificate of Formation;
  • Organizational charts;
  • An applicant's birth certificate, motor vehicle driver's license, passport, or other acceptable form of identification; and
  • An affidavit, signed by the individual seeking certification, certifying that the applicant is a women's business, as defined pursuant to section 2 of P.L. 1986, c. 195 (N.J.S.A. 52:27H-21.18 ).

Example Affidavits click here

5 year Recertification:

  • Place of business;
  • Names and addresses of the officers of the business;
  • Names and addresses of capital investors and the amount of capital contributed. Gifted ownership shall not be considered;
  • Personal and Corporate Tax Returns for each owner, director, and officer of the business for the past three consecutive years (including W2s);
  • The bonding capacity and history of the business;
  • The affiliation of the business or any of its owners, officers, or directors with any other business entity;
  • A current organizational chart;
  • A representative list of current and prior clients for the past two years, where applicable;
  • A complete list of major real and personal property holdings of the business;
  • A complete disclosure of financial statements and balance sheets;
  • A complete listing of banking institutions with which the business is affiliated;
  • A complete listing of previously attained certifications and a listing of all legal entities that denied certification; and
  • Copies of office/warehouse, lease/rental agreements, and/or deeds, and mortgages, when home-based.

Minority and Women Business Enterprise (MWBE) Document Requirements:

First year Provisional Certificate

  • The names and addresses of the owner, partners, or shareholders, as applicable, and their representative shares of ownership;
  • The names and addresses of members of the board of directors, in the case of corporations;
  • The names and addresses of the officers of the business;
  • The number of shares of stock issued and outstanding, in the case of a corporation;
  • The articles of incorporation, bylaws, partnership agreements, or joint venture agreements, as applicable;
  • Certificate of Formation;
  • Organizational charts;
  • An applicant's birth certificate, motor vehicle driver's license, passport, or other acceptable form of identification; and
  • An affidavit, signed by the individual seeking certification, certifying that the applicant is a minority business or women's business, as defined pursuant to section 2 of P.L. 1986, c. 195 (N.J.S.A. 52:27H-21.18).

Example Affidavits click here

5 year Recertification:
  • Place of business;
  • Names and addresses of the officers of the business;
  • Names and addresses of capital investors and the amount of capital contributed. Gifted ownership shall not be considered;
  • Personal and Corporate Tax Returns for each owner, director, and officer of the business for the past three consecutive years (including W2s);
  • The bonding capacity and history of the business;
  • The affiliation of the business or any of its owners, officers, or directors with any other business entity;
  • A current organizational chart;
  • A representative list of current and prior clients for the past two years, where applicable;
  • A complete list of major real and personal property holdings of the business;
  • A complete disclosure of financial statements and balance sheets;
  • A complete listing of banking institutions with which the business is affiliated;
  • A complete listing of previously attained certifications and a listing of all legal entities that denied certification; and
  • Copies of office/warehouse, lease/rental agreements, and/or deeds, and mortgages, when home-based.

Veteran Owned Business (VOB) Document Requirements:

  • Notarized statement attesting to the truthfulness of all information and documents submitted with this application. Only the signature of the owner or president of a corporation is acceptable. For a partnership, only a General Partner may sign. The signature of a Limited Partner is not acceptable. For an LLC, the managing member must sign.
  • Proof of Honorable Discharge from the US Military form DD-214. Provide for Majority owner(s)
  • Proof of New Jersey residency. Provide for Majority owner(s)

Disabled Veteran Owned Business (DVOB) Document Requirements:

  • Notarized statement attesting to the truthfulness of all information and documents submitted with this application. Only the signature of the owner or president of a corporation is acceptable. For a partnership, only a General Partner may sign. The signature of a Limited Partner is not acceptable. For an LLC, the managing member must sign.
  • Federal Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Business Determination Letter, Disability Award Letter or Federal Service Disabled Veteran Letter. Provide for Majority owner(s)
  • Proof of New Jersey residency. Provide for Majority owner(s)

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning+ Business Enterprise (LGBTQ+) Document Requirements:

First year Provisional Certificate

  • The names and addresses of the owner, partners, or shareholders, as applicable, and their representative shares of ownership;
  • The names and addresses of members of the board of directors, in the case of corporations;
  • The names and addresses of the officers of the business;
  • The number of shares of stock issued and outstanding, in the case of a corporation;
  • The articles of incorporation, bylaws, partnership agreements, or joint venture agreements, as applicable;
  • Certificate of Formation;
  • Organizational charts;
  • An applicant's birth certificate, motor vehicle driver's license, passport, or other acceptable form of identification; and
  • An affidavit, signed by the individual seeking certification, certifying that the applicant is an LGBTQ+ business, as defined pursuant to N.J.A.C. 17:47-1.2.

Example Affidavits click here

5 year Recertification:
  • Place of business;
  • Names and addresses of the officers of the business;
  • Names and addresses of capital investors and the amount of capital contributed. Gifted ownership shall not be considered;
  • Personal and Corporate Tax Returns for each owner, director, and officer of the business for the past three consecutive years (including W2s);
  • The bonding capacity and history of the business;
  • The affiliation of the business or any of its owners, officers, or directors with any other business entity;
  • A current organizational chart;
  • A representative list of current and prior clients for the past two years, where applicable;
  • A complete list of major real and personal property holdings of the business;
  • A complete disclosure of financial statements and balance sheets;
  • A complete listing of banking institutions with which the business is affiliated;
  • A complete listing of previously attained certifications and a listing of all legal entities that denied certification; and
  • Copies of office/warehouse, lease/rental agreements, and/or deeds, and mortgages, when home-based.

Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (SEDB) Document Requirements:

The information submitted shall include, but not be limited to:

  • The names and addresses of the owner, partners, or shareholders, as applicable, and their representative shares of ownership;
  • The names and addresses of members of the board of directors, in the case of corporations;
  • The names and addresses of the officers of the business;
  • The number of shares of stock issued and outstanding, in the case of a corporation;
  • The articles of formation, incorporation, bylaws, partnership agreements, or joint venture agreements, as applicable;
  • Organizational charts;
  • An owner(s) certificate of birth, or motor vehicle driver's license, passport, or other acceptable form of identification;
  • An affidavit, signed by the individual seeking certification, certifying that the applicant is a disadvantaged business enterprise as defined in this sub-chapter; and

Example Affidavit click here

  • A completed personal net worth statement, on a form provided by the State Treasurer that must be published on the Department’s website, for each socially and economically disadvantaged owner. The State Treasurer may update the form periodically to reflect personal net worth in connection with changing economic and financial conditions.

Personal Net Worth Statement click here

  • The Department may request and consider additional information from an applicant, including but not limited:

  • Names and addresses of capital investors and the amount of capital contributed;
  • The bonding activity and history of the business;
  • The affiliation of the business or any of its owners, officers, or Departments with any other business entity;
  • A complete list of major real and personal property holdings of the business;
  • A complete listing of banking institutions with which the business is affiliated;
  • A complete listing of previously attained certifications and a listing of all legal entities that denied certification;
  • Copies of office/warehouse, lease/rental agreements, and/or deeds, and mortgages, when home-based;
  • Information showing that the owner or owners are long-term residents of an environment isolated from the mainstream of American society or are located in an area of high unemployment; and
  • Information showing the business is located in a qualified census tract having a poverty rate of 20 percent or more; or a census tract in which the median family income for the census tract does not exceed 80 percent of the greater of the Statewide median family income or the median family income of the metropolitan statistical area in which the census tract is situated.

Last Updated: Tuesday, 07/16/24