COVID-19 Compliance and Oversight Taskforce

Executive Order 166 (EO 166) established the COVID-19 Compliance and Oversight Taskforce (Taskforce) to advise State agencies, departments, and authorities receiving federal COVID-19 recovery funds on complying with federal and State law and mitigating the risks of fraud, waste, and abuse. The Taskforce is chaired by the State Comptroller, and includes the Treasurer, the Attorney General, the Executive Director of the Governor’s Disaster Recovery Office, and Accountability Officer representatives from New Jersey Transit, the Department of Education, and the Department of Children and Families. 

In addition to providing advice regarding issues of compliance and oversight, EO 166 also charged the Taskforce with developing a Compliance Plan for state agencies, departments, and authorities, as well as Integrity Monitor Guidelines to outline the work of Integrity Monitors deployed throughout the state.

Compliance Plan

The Compliance Plan outlines the state’s oversight framework, includes a review of state and federal guidelines applicable to COVID-19 recovery funding, and features best practices for preventing fraud, conducting compliant procurements, and establishing strong internal controls.

To view the Compliance Plan, visit the COVID-19 State and Local Government Resources page here.

Integrity Monitor Guidelines

Certain state agencies, departments, and authorities that receive federal COVID-19 recovery funds must retain Integrity Monitors to ensure funds are used appropriately. The Integrity Monitor Guidelines dictate which agencies, departments, or authorities require the oversight of an Integrity Monitor, what tasks the Integrity Monitors can be hired to perform, the reporting required of Integrity Monitors, and how the Integrity Monitors should be overseen.

To view the Integrity Monitor Guidelines, visit the COVID-19 State and Local Government Resources page here.

Waste or Abuse

Report Fraud
Waste or Abuse