Program Information

Funds by Federal Department For Distribution Among Sandy-Affected States ($Millions)

Environmental Protection Agency

Agency Bureau/AccountFunding Amount Description
Environmental Programs and Management $725,000 Necessary expenses related to the consequences of Hurricane Sandy
Agency Bureau/AccountFunding Amount Description
Hazardous Substance Superfund $2,000,000 Necessary expenses related to the consequences of Hurricane Sandy
Agency Bureau/AccountFunding Amount Description
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Fund $5,000,000 Necessary expenses related to the consequences of Hurricane Sandy
Agency Bureau/AccountFunding Amount Description
State and Tribal Assistance Grants $600,000,000 $500,000,000 for capitalization grants for the Clean Water State Revolving Funds $100,000,000 for capitalization grants under section 1452 of the Safe Drinking Water Act

The information contained in this section summarizes the Federal Disaster Relief Appropriations Act funding. The above figures and summaries represent disaster relief funds made available to each federal department in response to Hurricane Sandy and are not exclusive to New Jersey. These numbers do not include revised amounts after sequestration. The Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board estimated an adjustment from approximately $50 billion to $47.9 billion after sequestration.