Disability Information Hub

If you need help paying your utility bills (heat, water, internet, and electricity), there are many programs available to help.

The first step is to visit the Board of Public Utilities' Assistance Programs page to learn more about the programs available and to apply. This page includes information on assistance for gas and electric bills (PAGE Program and Universal Service Fund), heating and cooling costs (LIHEAP and Fresh Start), and water and sewer bills (LIHWAP).

You can also use the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) online tool to see what other programs you are eligible for and how to apply. DCA has a variety of programs that can help with energy bills, water and sewer bills, rent costs, eviction prevention, and more.

Get Help Now 

  • For more information about applying to utility assistance programs, call 2-1-1 or visit the DCAid website

Low income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and Universal Service Fund (USF)

LIHEAP and USF are two utility assistance programs designed to help households with their heating and electric bills. LIHEAP helps pay for heating costs and certain medically-necessary cooling expenses. Applicants can qualify for LIHEAP even if their heating and cooling costs are included in their rent.

USF helps pay for electric and natural gas costs. The monthly USF credit amount is based on how much a customer spends on energy in relation to their income. One application serves both programs.

Typically, applications for LIHEAP are accepted from October 1st through June 30th of each year and are accepted year round for USF. You can apply online at www.nj.gov/dca/dcaid or with a paper application available at: www.energyassistance.nj.gov or by calling 2-1-1. Agencies that assist the public with their USF/LIHEAP application can be found by calling 2-1-1 or by going to www.energyassistance.nj.gov.

Fresh Start

Fresh Start is an energy debt forgiveness program for USF customers administered by the electric and gas utility companies in New Jersey and overseen by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities. Fresh Start allows eligible USF households to earn forgiveness for pre-existing arrearages by making full, on-time payments of their current monthly charges for 12 months. You cannot apply for Fresh Start, but if you are eligible, you will be automatically enrolled by your utility company and receive information about the program in the mail. For more information about Fresh Start, please call your utility company at the number on your bill. For complaints about Fresh Start please call the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities at: 1-800-624- 0241. More information about Fresh Start is available at: www.nj.gov/bpu/assistance/programs/.

Payment Assistance for Gas and Electric (PAGE) Program

The Payment Assistance for Gas and Electric (PAGE) Program is a state-funded utility assistance program designed to assist low to moderate income families in New Jersey with up to $700/year in benefits to pay their utility bills. Income eligible applicants must apply for the Universal Service Fund (USF) and Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) programs first before seeking supplemental assistance from PAGE. Applicants must have an overdue balance for gas and/or electric service of at least $100 to qualify for a grant. For more information or to apply, please call 1-855-465-8783 or visit: njpoweron.org/page/. Information is also available on the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities website: www.nj.gov/bpu/assistance/programs/.

Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP)

The Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) helps you:

  • Avoid Service Disruptions
  • Restore Services
  • Stay up-to-date on your payments
  • Pay Reconnection fees

For more information and to determine your eligibility, visit nj.gov/dca/dhcr/offices/lihwap.shtml.

Life-Sustaining Equipment

If you or someone in your household need electricity to run life-sustaining equipment, like a respirator or dialysis machine, contact your utility company. Companies will work with you to prevent shutoffs if you fall behind in paying your electric bills.

Lifeline Program

Consumers eligible for the Lifeline program receive a free smartphone and free wireless phone service with free data, free monthly minutes, and unlimited texting.

To learn more about the program and to apply, visit the Lifeline Program information page.

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