Disability Information Hub

The Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired (CBVI) provides education, employment, independent living, and eye health services to individuals who are blind or visually impaired, their families, caregivers, and the community. Programs are designed to enable individuals to gain independence and include orientation and mobility, braille instruction, and vocational rehabilitation. To apply or refer someone for services call 1-877-685-8878 or (973) 648-3333 or a regional service office.


Get Help Now:  

  • For more information about blind, visually impaired, or deafblind services, or to apply or refer someone for services, call 1-877-685-8879 or contact your regional service office.  

Educational Services


Educational Services are provided to students who are blind or visually impaired from birth through high school.


Infant services are provided to infants and toddlers (birth through 2 years)

In collaboration with the lead early intervention services providers within the New Jersey Early Intervention System, CBVI provides assessment and support services for infant/toddlers with vision loss, and consults with families and developmental instructors regarding all issues related to the early development and conceptual learning of blind and visually impaired babies. Services are free of charge to the families and are provided in the child’s natural environment (usually the home) with their primary caregivers.


School-based services (preschool through high school)

CBVI provides specialized instruction, materials, technology, and other accommodations for students who are blind or visually impaired to succeed in school. These services are based upon each student’s individual needs and are free of charge to students and their families regardless of family income. Services may include: Consultation and training for families; services for children who are deaf-blind or who have multiple disabilities; literacy enhancement; instruction in special areas; and accessible books, materials, devices and equipment. Students can be referred at any time in their school careers by the family, school personnel, medical professionals, or social services providers. For more information about school-based services, contact CBVI or visit the Educational Services web page.


PUMP (Pre-high school Upwardly Mobile Program): 

PUMP is a summer learning experience conducted between the end of July and the beginning of August. This program focuses on middle school students in grades seven and eight who will soon transition to high school. The program occurs at the CBVI Joseph Kohn Training Center in New Brunswick during the last week of the Life 101 Program. Our middle school students engage in joint activities with the high school students attending Life 101. The students participate in discussions, questions, and answers intended to share the joys and challenges of the high school experience as a blind or visually impaired student. The themes of their discussions are twofold: 1) Be true to yourself; 2) if you have a problem, seek out a trusted adult. Our middle school students also participate in activities focusing on self-advocacy, independence, and celebrating oneself. 


Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services


The VR program provides vocational training and counseling specifically designed to assist individuals who are blind, visually impaired, or deaf-blind to prepare for, secure, retain, or advance in employment that is consistent with their strengths, skills, and interests. For more information about VR services, contact CVI or visit the Vocational Rehabilitation Services web page. 


Deaf Blind Services


The full range of CBVI services are also provided to individuals who have both hearing and vision loss or deaf blindness. Specific services for deaf-blind individuals include:


This program provides various types of assistive technology and telecommunication devices to New Jersey residents who are both vision and hearing impaired. Eligibility ad program guidelines can be found at https://www.icanconnect.org/how-to-apply/.

The Support Services Providers of New Jersey Program (SSP)

SSP NJ is a consumer- driven program providing access to trained professionals that support and promote the independence of New Jersey residents who are deaf-blind. SSPs provide visual and environmental information and human guiding to help residents acclimate to their environment and make informed decisions. SSP NJ also provides support in a number of activities such as post-secondary education, household management, employment, and health and well-being. For more information about SSP NJ, visit the SSP website.

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