Disability Information Hub

New Jersey has two main prescription drug discount programs for individuals with disabilities and residents over 65: the Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled (PAAD) and the Senior Gold Prescription Discount Program (Senior Gold).  

PAAD cuts drug prices to $5 for covered generic drugs and $7 for covered name brands. Senior Gold cuts prices in half after a $15 copay for covered prescriptions. Additional subsidies are also available through the Medicare Part D Low Income Subsidy (LIS), also known as “Extra Help.” 

This page provides information about how to sign up for each program, as well as the eligibility criteria for these assistance programs. 


Get Help Now 

  • The easiest way to see if you are eligible for PAAD or Senior Gold is and to apply is online at NJSave
  • For more information on the specific programs, you can also see below or contact the Division of Aging at all 1-800-792-9745. 


Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled (PAAD)

PAAD is a state-funded program that helps eligible seniors and individuals with disabilities save money on their prescription drug costs.

You may be eligible for PAAD if:

  • You are a New Jersey resident
  • You are age 65 or older OR between ages 18 and 64 and receiving Social Security Disability benefits
  • Your income for 2023 is less than $42,142 if single or less than $49,209 if married.

For more information, visit the PAAD program page.

To apply, visit the NJSAVE application and answer a few basic questions to see if you qualify. Or you can print out a paper application.

If you have any questions, call 1-800-792-9745. Or watch this video tutorial with step by step instructions for how to fill out the online application, or you can read these detailed written instructions.

For the paper application, you can follow these detailed written instructions.


Senior Gold Prescription Discount Program

Senior Gold helps eligible New Jersey residents pay for prescription drugs, insulin, insulin needles, and syringes and needles for injectable medicines used for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Only drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration are covered.

You may be eligible for Senior Gold if:

  • You are a New Jersey resident;
  • You are age 65 years or older OR you are ages 18 through 64 years and receiving Social Security Disability benefits;
  • Your annual income for 2023 is between $42,142 and $52,142 if you are single or between $49,209 and $59,209 if you are married.

For more information, visit the Senior Gold program page.

To apply, visit the NJSAVE application and answer a few basic questions to see if you qualify. Or you can print out a paper application.

If you have any questions, call 1-800-792-9745. You can also watch this video tutorial with step- by-step instructions for how to fill out the online application, or you can read these detailed written instructions.

For the paper application, you can follow these detailed written instructions.


Additional Subsidies for Medicare Part D Costs

Individuals may also qualify for help with the costs of their prescription drugs through another program at the federal level, the Part D Low Income Subsidy (LIS), also known as Extra Help.

To apply, visit the NJSAVE application and answer a few basic questions to see if you qualify. Or you can print out a paper application.

If you have any questions, call 1-800-792-9745.


NJ Medicinal Cannabis Program

The New Jersey Medicinal Cannabis Program allows patients with specific conditions to be certified by a physician to receive medicinal cannabis products for medical use. Individuals interested in participating in the program should talk to their physician or a physician participating in the program. Physicians are responsible for establishing bona fide relationships with their patients, conducting a comprehensive evaluation of the patient, certifying the use of medicinal cannabis, and determining the amount to be obtained in a given certification period. There is a $50 registration fee for patients and caregivers. Reduced $20 fees are available for veterans, seniors and individuals receiving government assistance. 

For more information: 609-292-0424

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