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Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Net Worth Requirements for Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)
Notice of Decrease in Medical Component of the Consumer Price Index (CPI)
Division of Insurance
Public Notice: Minimum Deposit Requirements for Licensed Organized Delivery Systems
Notice of Decrease in Medical Component of the Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Net Worth Requirements for Health Maintenance Organizations
Notice of Increase in Medical Component of Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance
Public Notice: Minimum Deposit Requirements for Licensed Organized Delivery Systems
Notice of Increase in Medical Component of Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Public Hearing on Application by Horizon Healthcare Services, Inc. to Form a nonprofit Mutual Holding Company Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 17:48E-46.1 et seq.
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Net Worth Requirements for Health Maintenance Organizations
Notice of Increase in Medical Component of Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Deposit Requirements for Organized Delivery Systems
Notice of Increase in Medical Component of Consumer Price Index

Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of List of Municipalities Requiring Payment of Municipal Liens by Companies Writing Fire Insurance
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Net Worth Requirements for Health Maintenance Organizations
Notice of Increase in Medical Component of the Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Deposit Requirements for Organized Delivery Systems
Notice of Increase in Medical Component of Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Deposit Requirements for Organized Delivery Systems
Notice of Increase in Medical Component of Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Net Worth Requirements for Health Maintenance Organizations
Notice of Increase in Medical Component of the Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of the Imposition of a Surcharge for Recoupment of the Property-Liability Insurance Guaranty Association Assessment
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Action on Petition for Rulemaking
Consumer Complaints (50 N.J.R. 1672)
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Net Worth Requirements for Health Maintenance Organizations
Notice of Increase in Medical Component of the Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Homeowners Insurance: Standard Hurricane Deductibles and Expedited Process for Homeowners Insurance Rate Changes
Notice of Administrative Correction
N.J.A.C. 11:2-42 Appendix Exhibits D and E
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Deposit Requirements for Organized Delivery Systems
Notice of Increase in Medical Component of Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Action on Petition for Rulemaking
Consumer Complaints
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Receipt of Petition for Rulemaking
Consumer Complaints
Division of Insurance Notice of Public Hearing: The Exportable List
N.J.A.C. 11:1-34
Division of Insurance Notice of Public Hearing: Life/Health/Annuity Forms Certification Eligibility
N.J.A.C. 11:4-40.9
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Deposit Requirements for Organized Delivery Systems
Notice of Increase in Medical Component of the Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Net Worth Requirements for Health Maintenance Organizations
Notice of Increase in Medical Component of the Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of the Imposition of a Surcharge for Recoupment of the Property-Liability Insurance Guaranty Assocation Assessment
Division of Insurance Notice of Public Hearing: Life/Health/Annuity Forms Certification Eligibility
N.J.A.C. 11:4-40.9
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Public Hearing on the Exportable List
N.J.A.C. 11:4-40.9
Division of Insurance Notice of Public Hearing: Life/Health/Annuity Forms Certification Eligibility
N.J.A.C. 11:4-40.9
Division of Insurance Correction Notice: Proposal Section
Automobile Insurance - Insurance Identification Cards

New Jersey Workers' Compensation Managed Care Organizations
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Net Worth Requirements for Health Maintenance Organizations
Notice of Increase in Medical Component of the Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Deposit Requirements for Organized Delivery Systems
Notice of Increase in Medical Component of Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Net Worth Requirements for Health Maintenance Organizations
Notice of Increase in Medical Component of the Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Notice of Administrative Correction: Unfair Claims Settlement Practices (PRN 2016-048)
Rules for Fair and Equitable Settlements and Reasonable Explanations Applicable to All Insurance; Rules for Fair and Equitable Settlements Applicable to Property and Liability Insurance
Reproposed Amendment: N.J.A.C. 11:2-17.8
Proposed Amendment: N.J.A.C. 11:2-17.10
Division of Insurance Notice of Administrative Correction: Increase in Capital and Surplus Requirements for Health Organizations (PRN 2016-049)
Proposed New Rules: N.J.A.C. 11:2-39A
Proposed Amendments: N.J.A.C. 11:2-39.1, 39.2, 39.3, 39.4 and 39.7
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Deposit Requirements for Organized Delivery Systems
Notice of Increase in Medical Compenent of Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of the Imposition of a Surcharge for Recoupment of the Property-Liability Insurance Guaranty Association Assessment
Division of Insurance Notice of Public Hearing: Life/Health/Annuity Forms Certification Eligibility
N.J.A.C. 11:4-40.9
NJ Real Estate Commission Public Notice: Notice of Action on Petition for Rulemaking
Continuing Education Requirements
N.J.A.C. 11:5-12.3
Petitioner: Timothy M. Wyman
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Public Hearing on the Exportable List
N.J.A.C. 11:1-34
NJ Real Estate Commission Public Notice: Notice of Action on Petition for Rulemaking
Continuing Education Requirements
N.J.A.C. 11:5-12.3
Petitioner: Timothy M. Wyman
NJ Real Estate Commission Public Notice: Notice of Receipt of Petition for Rulemaking
Continuing Education Requirements
N.J.A.C. 11:5-12.3
Division of Banking Public Notice: Notice of Action on Petition for Rulemaking
Requested Reduction in Surety Bond Requirements for Residential Mortgage Brokers
Petitioner: Wayne M. Watkinson, Esq.

Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Action on Petition for Rulemaking
Licensing of Public Adjusters
N.J.A.C. 11:1-37
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Public Hearing on the Exportable List
N.J.A.C. 11:1-34
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Deposit Requirements for Organized Delivery Systems
Notice of Increase in Medical Component of Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Net Worth Requirements for Health Maintenance Organizations
Notice of Increase in Medical Component of the Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Public Hearing
Life/Health/Annuity Forms Certification Eligibility
Division of Banking Public Notice: Notice of Action on Petition for Rulemaking
Requested Reduction in Surety Bond Requirements for Residential Mortgage
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Action on Petition for Rulemaking
Licensing of Public Adjusters
N.J.A.C. 11:1-37
Division of Banking Public Notice: Notice of Receipt of Petition for Rulemaking
Requested Reduction in Surety Bond Requirement for Residential Mortgage Brokers
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Receipt of Petition for Rulemaking
Licensing of Public Adjusters
N.J.A.C. 11:1-37
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Public Hearing on the Exportable List
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Extension of Delayed Operative Date of Amendments to N.J.A.C. 11:3-4.7(c)6 and New Rule N.J.A.C. 11:3-4.7B
Division of Insurance Notice of Public Hearing: Life/Health/Annuity Forms Certification Eligibility
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of the Imposition of a Surcharge for Recoupment of the Property-Liability Insurance Guaranty Association Assessment
Division of Insurance Notice of Administrative Correction and Extension of Public Comment Period
Fraud Prevention and Detection
Proposed Readoption with Amendments: N.J.A.C. 11:16
Proposed Repeal and New Rule: N.J.A.C. 11:16 Appendix
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of List of Municipalities Requiring Payment of Municipal Liens by Companies Writing Fire Insurance
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Health Wellness Promotion Act
Notice of Mandated Adjustments to Benefit Payments and Value for Services Schedule
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Cancellation and Nonrenewal of Fire and Casualty Coverage
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Net Worth Requirements for Health Maintenance Organizations
Notice of Increase in Medical Component of the Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Required Coverage for Autism
Notice of Mandated Adjustments to Benefit Payments
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Deposit Requirements for Organized Delivery Systems
Notice of Increase in Medical Component of the Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of List of Municipalities Requiring Payment of Municipal Liens by Companies Writing Fire Insurance
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Public Hearing-December 10, 2012 on the Exportable List
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Public Hearing-October 25, 2012. Proposed acquisition of control of Amerigroup New Jersey Inc. by Wellpoint Inc.
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of the Imposition of a Surcharge for Recoupment of the Property-Liability Insurance Guaranty Association Assessment
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Public Hearing Life/Health/Annuity Forms Certification Eligibility N.J.A.C. 11:4-40.9
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Withdrawal of Petition for Rulemaking Rules for Fair and Equitable Settlements and Reasonable Explanations Applicable to All Insurance N.J.A.C. 11:2-17.8(k)
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Extension of Public Comment Period
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Action on Petition for Rulemaking
Rules for Fair and Equitable Settlements Applicable to Property and Liability Insurance; Use of After Market Parts
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Health Wellness Promotion Act
Notice of Mandate Adjustments to Benefit Payments and Value for Services Schedule
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Net Worth Requirements for Health Maintenance Organizations
Notice of Increase in Medical Component of the Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Deposit Requirements for Organized Delivery Systems
Notice of Increase in Medical Component of the Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Required Coverage for Autism, Notice of Mandated Adjustments
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Cancellation and Nonrenewal of Fire and Casualty Coverage
Division of Banking Public Notice: Appraisal Fee Survey
Division of Banking Public Notice: Notice of Base Assessments for Fiscal Year 2011 for Entities or Persons Licensed or Registered by the Division of Banking, Office of Consumer Finance
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Action on Petition for Rulemaking
Rules for Fair and Equitable Settlements Applicable to Property and Liability Insurance; Use of After Market Parts
N.J.A.C. 11:2-17.10(a)11 and 13
Petitioner: Joseph Lubrano, J & E Auto Body Inc.
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Public Hearing - December 21, 2011
Life/Health/Annuity Forms Certification Eligibility
N.J.A.C. 11:4-40.9
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Receipt of Petition for Rulemaking
Rules for Fair and Equitable Settlements Applicable to Property Liability Insurance; Use of After Market Parts
N.J.A.C. 11:2-17.10(a)11 and 13
Petitioner: Joseph Lubrano, J & E Auto Body Inc., Clark, New Jersey
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Alternate Interest Rates for Rate Submissions
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Public Hearing on the Exportable List
N.J.A.C. 11:1-34
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Hearing - Proposed acquisition of control of American Millennium Insurance Company by Citadel Reinsurance Company Limited
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Personal Injury Protection - Notice of Extension of Public Comment Period to October 17, 2011
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of the Imposition of a Surcharge for Recoupment of the PLIGA Assessment
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Deposit Requirements for Organized Delivery Systems
Notice of Increase in Medical Component of the Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Health Wellness Promotion Act
Notice of Mandated Adjustments to Benefit Payments and Value for Services Schedule
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Net Worth Requirements for Health Maintenance Organizations
Notice of Increase in Medical Component of the Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Public Notice: List of Special Risks
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Public Hearing on the Exportable List, N.J.A.C. 11:1-34
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of the Imposition of a Surcharge for Recoupment of the PLIGA Assessment, N.J.A.C. 11:1-6
Division of Banking Public Notice: Notice of Base Assessments for FY 2010 for Entities or Persons Licensed or Registered by the Division of Banking, Office of Consumer Finance
Division of Banking Public Notice: Appraisal Fee Survey
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Alternate Interest Rates for Rate Submissions
Division of Insurance Notice of Public Hearing: Life/Health/Annuity Forms Certification Eligibility
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Cancellation and Nonrenewal of Fire and Casualty Coverage
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Health Wellness Promotion Act
Notice of Mandated Adjustments to Benefit Payments and Value for Services Schedule
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Net Worth Requirements for Health Maintenance Organizations
Notice of Increase of Medical Component of the Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Deposit Requirements for Organized Delivery Systems
Notice of Increase of Medical Component of the Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Public Hearing on the Exportable List N.J.A.C. 11:1-34
Division of Banking Public Notice: Notice of Base Assessments for Fiscal Year 2009 for Entities or Persons Licensed or Registered by the Division of Banking, Office of Consumer Finance
Division of Insurance Notice of Action on Petition for Rulemaking: Automobile Physical Damage Insurance Inspection Procedures
N.J.A.C. 11:3-36.4; Petitioner: Property Casualty Insurers Assocation of America
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of the Imposition of a Surcharge for Recoupment of the Property-Liability Insurance Guaranty Association Assessment
Division of Banking Public Notice: Appraisal Fee Survey
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Alternate Interest Rates for Rate Submissions
Division of Insurance Notice of Public Hearing: November 18, 2009
Life/Health/Annuity Forms Certification Eligibility, N.J.A.C. 11:4-40.9
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Cancellation and Nonrenewal of Fire and Casualty Coverage
Division of Insurance Notice of Action on Petition for Rulemaking: Automobile Physical Damage Insurance Inspection Procedures; N.J.A.C. 11:3-36.4; Petitioner: Property Casualty Insurers Association of America
Division of Insurance Notice of Receipt of Petition for Rulemaking: Automobile Physical Damage Insurance Inspection Procedures; N.J.A.C. 11:3-36.4; Petitioner: Property Casualty Insurers Association of America
Division of Insurance Notice of Action on Petition for Rulemaking: Prompt Payment of Claims - Denied and Disputed Claims; N.J.A.C. 11:22-1.6; Petitioner: New Jersey Association of Health Plans (NJAHP)
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Deposit Requirements for Organized Delivery Systems
Notice of Increase in Medical Component of the Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Health Wellness Promotion Act - Notice of Mandated Adjustments to Benefit Payments and Value for Service Schedule
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Net Worth Requirements for Health Maintenance Organizations - Notice of Increase in Medical Component of the Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Notice of Receipt of Petition for Rulemaking: Prompt Payment of Claims - Denied and Disputed Claims; N.J.A.C. 11:22-1.6; Petitioner: New Jersey Association of Health Plans (NJAHP)
Division of Banking Public Notice: Appraisal Fee Survey
NJ Real Estate Commission Public Notice: Notices to Residential Tenants in Foreclosed Properties
Division of Banking Public Notice: Notice of Base Assessments for Fiscal Year 2008 for Entities or Persons Licensed or Registered by the Division of Banking, Office of Consumer Finance
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Public Hearing on the Exportable List - N.J.A.C. 11:1-34
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of the Imposition of a Surcharge for Recoupment of the Property-Liability Insurance Guaranty Association Assessment
Division of Banking Public Notice: Notice of Action on Petition for Rulemaking - Requested Increase in Fees Chargeable by New Jersey Check Casher Licensees; Petitioner: New Jersey Financial Service Centers, Inc.
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Cancellation and Nonrenewal of Fire & Casualty Coverage
Division of Insurance Notice of Public Hearing - October 21, 2008: Life - Health - Annuity Forms Certification Eligibility - N.J.A.C. 11:4-40.9
NJ Real Estate Commission Public Notice: Notice of Action on Petition for Rulemaking Conduct of Business Contracts of Sale, Leases and Listing Agreements Listing Agreements N.J.A.C. 11:5-6.2(e); Petitioner: Continental Real Estate Group. Inc.
Division of Banking Public Notice: Notice of Action on Petition for Rulemaking Check Cashing Requested Increase in Fees Chargeable by New Jersey Check Casher Licensees New Jersey Financial Service Centers, Inc.; Petitioner: New Jersey Financial Service Centers, Inc.
NJ Real Estate Commission Public Notice: Notice of Receipt of Petition for Rulemaking - Conduct of Business; Contracts of Sale, Leases and Listing Agreements; Listing Agreements N.J.A.C. 11:5-6.2(e); Petitioner: Continental Real Estate Group Inc.
Division of Banking Public Notice: Notice of Receipt of Petition for Rulemaking
Requested Increase in Fees Chargeable by New Jersey Check Casher Licensees
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Deposit Requirements for Organized Delivery Systems
Notice of Increase in Medical Component of the Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Net Worth Requirements for Health Maintenance Organizations
Notice of Increase in Medical Component of the Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Health Wellness Promotion Act
Notice of Mandated Adjustments to Benefit Payments and Value for Services Schedule
Division of Insurance Public Notice: List of Accredited Reinsurers
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Surety Companies Listed as Acceptable to Provide Payment or Performance Bonds as Required by N.J.S.A. 2A:44-143 and 144
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Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Hearing on the Exportable List
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of the Imposition of a Surcharge for Recoupment of the Property-Liability Insurance Guaranty Association Assessment
Division of Insurance Notice of Action on Petition for Rulemaking: Prompt Payment of Claims – Denied and Disputed Claims - N.J.A.C. 11:22-1.6
Division of Banking Public Notice: Notice Under the Fair Foreclosure Act
List of Governmental and Non-Profit Entities that May Provide Financial Assistance or Counseling to Borrowers in Foreclosure
Division of Insurance Notice of Public Hearing: Life/Health/Annuity Forms Certification Eligibility - N.J.A.C. 11:4-40.9
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Alternate Interest Rates for Rate Submissions
Division of Insurance Notice of Receipt of Petition for Rulemaking: Prompt Payment of Claims - Denied and Disputed Claims - N.J.A.C. 11:22-1.6; Petitioner: New Jersey Association of Health Plans (NJAHP)
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Cancellation and Nonrenewal of Fire and Casualty Coverage
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Health Wellness Promotion Act
Mandated Adjustments to Benefit Payments and Value for Services Schedule
Division of Insurance Public Notice: List of Unauthorized Insurers Which Qualify as Eligible New Jersey Surplus Lines Insurers
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Net Worth Requirements for Organized Delivery Systems
Notice of Increase in Medical Component of the Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Net Worth Requirements for Health Maintenance Organizations
Notice of Increase in Medical Component of the Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Medical Malpractice Liability Insurance Premium Assistance Fund - Premium Subsidy for 2006
Division of Insurance Notice of Extension of Public Comment Period: Health Benefits Plans, Minimum Standards for Network-Based Health Benefit Plans, Basis for Payment of Out-of-Network Non-Hospital Provider Claims
Division of Insurance Notice of Extension of Public Comment Period: Health Benefits Plans, Minimum Standards for Network-Based Health Benefit Plans, Basis for Payment of Out-of-Network Non-Hospital Provider Claims
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Division of Insurance Public Notice: List of Accredited Reinsurers
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Public Hearing on the Exportable List
Division of Insurance Notice of Administrative Changes and Correction: Health Maintenance Organizations; Health Care Quality Act Application to Insurance Companies, Health Service Corporations, Hospital Service Corporations, and Medical Service Corporations; Organized Delivery Systems; Managed Care Plans
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Extension of Public Comment Period: Medical Fee Schedules
Automobile Insurance Personal Injury Protection and Motor Bus Medical Expenses Insurance Coverage
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Imposition of a Surcharge for Recoupment of the Property-Liability Insurance Guaranty Association Assessment
Division of Banking Public Notice: Under the Fair Foreclosure Act - List of Government and Non-Profit Entities that May Provide Financial Assistance or Counseling to Borrowers in Foreclosure
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Life/Health/Annuity Forms Certification Eligibility, N.J.A.C. 11:4-40.9 October 4, 2006
NJ Real Estate Commission Public Notice: Action on Petition for Rulemaking, Consumer Information Statement N.J.A.C. 11:5-6.9 Petitioner: Michael R. Monihan
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Surety Companies Listed as Acceptable to Provide Payment or Performance Bonds as Required by N.J.S.A. 2A:44-143 and 144. (Surety Companies Listed)
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Action on Petition for Rulemaking Review of the Medical Fee Schedule N.J.A.C. 11:3-29
Petitioner: Medical Transportation Association
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Cancellation and Nonrenewal of Fire and Casualty Coverage
Division of Insurance Notice of Administrative Correction: Examination Charge and Per Diem Rate - N.J.A.C. 3:1-6.7
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Action on Petition for Rulemaking; Petitioner: Medical Transportation Association
NJ Real Estate Commission Public Notice: Receipt of and Action on Petition for Rulemaking - Consumer Information Statement: N.J.A.C. 11:5-6.9
Division of Banking Notice of Extension of Comment Periods for all Notices of Proposal Published in the April 17, 2006 New Jersey Register
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Health Wellness Promotion Act - Notice of Mandated Adjustments to Benefit Payments and Value for Services Schedule
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Receipt of Petition for Rulemaking - Review of Medical Fee Schedule - N.J.A.C. 11:3-29, Appendix Exhibit 4 - Petitioner: Medical Transportation Association
Division of Insurance Public Notice: List of Unauthorized Insurers Which Qualify as Eligible New Jersey Surplus Lines Insurers
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Hemophilia Home Care Provider Designation
Notice of Designation of Providers Eligible to Provide Home Treatment Services for Bleeding Episodes associated with Hemophilia, and Correction to Duration of Designation Statement to All Designees
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Net Worth Requirements for Organized Delivery Systems
Notice of Increase in Medical Component of the Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Net Worth Requirements for Health Maintenance Organizations
Notice of Increase in Medical Component of the Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Public Notice: List of Accredited Reinsurers
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Hemophilia Home Care Provider Designation
Notice of Amendment to Children's Hospital Home Care's Designation as a Provider Eligible to Provide Home Treatment Services for Bleeding Episodes Associated with Hemophilia - Revised Service Area
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Medical Malpractice Liability Insurance Premium Assistance Fund - Premium Subsidy for 2005 (Comment period ended March 20, 2006)
Division of Banking Public Notice: Appraisal Fee Survey
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Action on Petition for Rulemaking; Petitioner: Princeton Insurance Company
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Surety Companies Listed as Acceptable to Provide Payment or Performance Bonds as Required by N.J.S.A. 2A:44-143 and 144 (Surety List)
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Division of Banking Public Notice: Under the Fair Foreclosure Act; List of Governmental and Non-Profit Entities that May Provide Financial Assistance or Counseling to Borrowers in Foreclosure
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Receipt for Rulemaking Renewal, Cancellation and Nonrenewal of Commercial and Homeowners Insurance Policies
Division of Insurance Public Notice: In the Matter of the Proposed Acquisition of WellChoice Insurance of New Jersey, Inc.
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Notice of Public Hearing on the Exportable List
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Life/Health/Annuity Forms Certification Eligibility
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Cancellation and Nonrenewal of Fire and Casualty Coverage
Division of Insurance Public Notice: List of Special Risks
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Net Worth Requirements for Health Maintenance Organizations
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Net Worth Requirements for Organized Delivery Systems
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Health Wellness Promotion Act; Notice of Mandated Adjustments to Benefit Payments and Value for Services Schedule
Division of Banking Public Notice: Appraisal Fee Survey
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Medical Malpractice Liability Insurance Premium Assistance Fund - Premium Subsidy
Division of Insurance Public Notice: List of Accredited Reinsurers
top of page
Division of Banking Public Notice: Under the Fair Foreclosure Act - List of Governmental and Non-Profit Entites That May Provide Financial Assistance or Counseling to Borrowers in Foreclosure
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Hearing on the Exportable List
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Surety Companies Listed as Acceptable to Provide Payment or Performance Bonds as Required by N.J.S.A. 2A:44-143 and 144
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Life/Health/Annuity Forms Certification Eligibility
Division of Banking Public Notice: Appraisal Fee Survey
Division of Insurance Public Notice: List of Unauthorized Insurers Which Qualify as Eligible New Jersey Surplus Lines Insurers
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Health Wellness Promotion Act
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Cancellation and Nonrenewal of Fire and Casualty Coverage
Division of Banking
Division of Insurance
NJ Real Estate Commission

Public Notice: Imaging Certification Application

Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Net Worth Requirements for HMOs
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Net Worth Requirements for ODS
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Imposition of a Surcharge for Recoupment of the Property-Liability Guaranty Association Assessment
Division of Insurance Notice of Hearing: New Jersey Small Employer Health Benefits Program
Small Employer Health Benefits Program Plan of Operation
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Division of Insurance Public Notice: List of Accredited Insurers
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Exportable List
Division of Banking Public Notice: Under the Fair Foreclosure Act
Division of Insurance Notice of Hearing: Acquisition of Prudential Property and Casualty et al.
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Cancellation and Nonrenewal of Fire and Casualty Coverage
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Life/Health/Annuity Forms Certification Eligibility
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Surety Companies Listed as Acceptable to Provide Payment or Performance Bonds as Required by N.J.S.A. 2A:44-143 and 144
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Alternate Interest Rates for Rate Submissions
Division of Insurance Notice of Hearing: Medical Malpractice Reinsurance Association
Division of Banking
Division of Insurance
NJ Real Estate Commission
Public Notice: Electronic Transmission of all Rulemaking Notices, General Orders, Bulletins and Public Notices
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Health Wellness Promotion Act
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Net Worth Requirements for Health Maintenance Organizations
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Imposition of a Surcharge for Recoupment of the Property-Liability Insurance Guaranty Association Assessment
Division of Insurance Public Notice: List of Accredited Reinsurers
  top of page
Division of Insurance Public Hearing: Exportable List
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Surety Companies Listed as Acceptable to Provide Payment or Performance Bonds as Required by P.L. 1995, c. 384
Division of Insurance Public Hearing: Life/Health/Annuity Forms Certification Eligibility
Division of Banking Public Notice: Under the Fair Foreclosure Act
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Net Worth Requirements for Health Maintenance Organizations
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Imposition of a Surcharge for Recoupment of the Property-Liability Insurance Guaranty Association Assessment
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Health Wellness Promotion Act: Notice of Mandated Adjustments to Benefit Payments and Value for Service Schedule
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Unauthorized Insurers Qualified as Eligible Surplus Lines Insurers in New Jersey in Accordance with NJSA 17:22-6.45 and NJAC 11:1-34.6(d)
Division of Banking Public Notice: Under the Fair Foreclosure Act
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Exportable List
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Accredited Reinsurers
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Division of Banking
Division of Insurance
NJ Real Estate Commission
Notice: Statement in Lieu of Rulemaking Calendar
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Life/Health/Annuity Forms Certification Eligibility
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Publication of Surety List
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Cancellation and Nonrenewal of Fire and Casualty Coverage
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Unauthorized Insurers Qualified as Eligible Surplus Lines Insurers in New Jersey
Division of Insurance Notice: Medical Fee Schedule Hearing Officer's Report
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Minimum Net Worth Requirements for Health Maintenance Organizations - Notice of Increase in Medical Component of the Consumer Price Index
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Health Wellness Promotion Act - Notice of Mandated Adjustments to Benefit Payments and Value for Service Schedule
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Imposition of a Surcharge for Recoupment of the Property-Liability Insurance Guaranty Association Assessment
Division of Insurance Notice: Automobile Insurance Territorial Rating Plan Advisory Commission Meeting - March 28
Division of Insurance Notice: Automobile Insurance Territorial Rating Plan Advisory Commission - January 30 and February 27
Division of Insurance Public Notice: Automobile Insurance Medical Fee Schedules - January 25, 2001
Division of Insurance Public Notice: List of Accredited Reinsurers as of October 31, 2000

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New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance