Home > Programs > Water Supply/ Planning > Water Audit Program > Water System Audits and Water Loss Control Workshop
Water System Audits and Water Loss Control Workshop
Workshop Held April 13, 2011 at the Rutgers EcoComplex, Bordentown, N.J.

The Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) partnered with the Philadelphia Water Department, N.J. American Water, and Aqua Pennsylvania to present a day long workshop, Water System Audits and Water Loss Control, on April 13, 2011 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The workshop is part of an ongoing outreach effort by DRBC to inform water system operators in the Delaware River Basin of changes in DRBC regulations. In 2009, the Delaware River Basin Commission amended its Comprehensive Plan and Water Code to implement an updated water audit approach to identify and control water loss in the Basin. The new approach is consistent with the International Water Association (IWA) and American Water Works Association (AWWA) Water Audit Methodology that is considered a best management practice in water loss control.

The Commission's revised rules are being phased in and will require the new reporting format to be used for the 2012 calendar year water audit; however, system operators are encouraged to implement the new audit format in 2011. The new rules are based on precise definitions and rational accounting procedures that result in a clearer understanding of the causes of water loss and allow system operators, utility managers, and regulators better target their efforts to improve water supply efficiency.

In order to support water system operators through the reporting transition, DRBC and its partners presented three modules that covered:

  • DRBC’s Water Loss Accountability Requirements and Water Audits
  • Conducting the Water Audit and Analyzing Data
  • Managing Water Losses

The workshop also included a hands-on facilitated demonstration with attendees completing a water audit and populating the AWWA Free Water Audit Software ©.

DRBC would like to gratefully acknowledge the contributions of the following individuals who assisted in the development and presentation of workshop materials:

  • George Kunkel, Philadelphia Water Department
  • Russell Titus, New Jersey American Water
  • Brennan Kelly, Aqua America
Workshop Handouts and Presentations

Handouts Included:


Module 1: DRBC’s Water Loss Accountability Requirements & Water Audits

Module 2: Conducting the Water Audit & Analyzing Data

Demonstration of the AWWA Free Water Audit Software©

Module 3: Managing Water Loss