Office of the State Comptroller

"New Jersey can seize on the opportunity to be a leader in environmental justice and the transition to an equitable clean energy economy.”

Jane Cohen - Founding Executive Director of the Office of Climate Action and the Green Economy

New Jersey
Environmental Data


Wind Generated
Megawatts by 2040


Solar Installations
4.9 GW generating capacity


EVs on the road
as of June 2024


Public EV Charging
Stations as of June 2024


Clean Energy
by 2035

Energy Master Plan & Global Warming Act Implementation

Currently being updated, the 2019 Energy Master Plan identified a goal of reaching 100% clean electricity sales by 2050, a target Governor Murphy has advanced to 2035. The Global Warming Response Act 80x50 Report recommends pathways for reducing New Jersey’s greenhouse gas emissions 80% by 2050. The 2024 Energy Master Plan will evaluate the State’s progress on seven key strategies and goals outlined in the 2019 EMP, and will incorporate updates to State policies, federal climate funding, and a capital cost analysis. These documents are influential tools in New Jersey clean energy policy.

New Jersey Council on the Green Economy

The Council on the Green Economy is overseen by the Office of Climate Action and the Green Economy and serves to develop a blueprint for expanding the green economy and building a diverse workforce to support the Administration’s clean energy and climate goals.

New Jersey Drives the Electric Vehicle Revolution

New Jersey has been busy driving the EV Revolution! Check out our successes in grant funding, outreach & education, utilities, collaboration & roadmaps, laws & executive orders, and policy.

For additional resources, please visit

Direct Pay: Clean Energy Tax Credits for Non-Taxed Entities

The Inflation Reduction Act has created a unique tax credit mechanism called Elective Pay (also known as Direct Pay) that allows tax-exempt entities to receive direct payment equal to a federal tax credit for clean energy projects or investments. The filing deadline for projects placed in service in 2023 is November 15, 2024*.

The Governor’s Office Direct Pay site can help you determine which tax credit is right for you based on eligible entity or project type, and includes a step-by-step guide on how to apply.

Lawyers for Good Government also has an Elective Pay & IRA tax incentives resources page to help applicable entities identify projects and navigate the filing process. 

In The News

Governor Murphy Announces New Incentive to Support Solar Energy Development, Information Hub to Aid Municipalities and Developers with Solar Projects

September 4, 2024 – The Governor signed legislation enhancing support for historic preservation and further incentivizing the redevelopment of brownfields into new solar energy facilities.

DEP Receives $72 Million From NOAA to Advance Climate Resilience Projects Across Multiple New Jersey Counties 

July 26, 2024 – Federal funding for critical climate resilience projects through the Department of Environmental Protection’s bold and comprehensive Building a Climate Ready NJ initiative.

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