Council on the Green Economy
Mission of the Council
The members of the Council on the Green Economy serve to develop a blueprint for expanding the green economy and building a diverse workforce to support the Administration’s clean energy and climate goals. Members of the Council include representatives from State departments, as well as leaders from chambers of commerce, organized labor, industry, utilities, green business, environmental justice communities, academia, small business, workforce development, and environmental advocacy.
About the Council
The Council will lay out the pathways for transitioning fossil fuel and other displaced jobs to clean energy jobs, as well as laying the groundwork to ensure that the opportunities presented by the clean energy economy are open to a new generation of New Jersey workers, including people who are traditionally underrepresented in the energy sector. The Council is housed under the Governor’s Office of Climate Action and the Green Economy.
The Director of the Climate Action Office will be the Executive Director of the Council, overseeing it’s work and supervising its consultants. Working with the economic development team within the GO and relevant agencies and authorities across state government, the Director will ensure comprehensive policy and communicate the critical message that the transition to clean energy drives economic growth and job creation.
Green Jobs Council objectives include but are not limited to:
- Coordination of relevant governmental programs;
- Incorporation of equitable workforce development strategies into all environmental and clean energy initiatives, including a framework to support high quality employment and collective bargaining;
- Significant targeted investment in workforce development, education, apprenticeship/internship, training and certification, and retraining programs;
- Formation of career services, green job pathways, and outreach to underrepresented and underserved groups, including women, and displaced fossil fuel workers;
- Dedicated supports for displaced workers including employment counseling, reskilling, transitional income, and relocation support.

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