Healthy New Jersey


How to Become a NJ FamilyCare Community Doula Provider

All doulas serving NJ FamilyCare must enroll as fee-for-service providers and be prepared to serve fee-for-service members.

Steps to Enroll


Enrollment Resources

Individual Doula Enrollment

Training Session: Enrollment as an Individual Doula within the NJFC Fee-for-Service Program (Original Session Date: 12/9/2020)

Part One:
Part Two:

Doula-Only Agency Enrollment

Training Session: Enrollment as a Doula-only Agency (group provider) within the NJFC Fee-for-Service Program (Original Session Date: 12/11/2020)

Part One:
Part Two:

Doula Care Claims Submission

Training Session #3: Doula Claims Submission within the NJFC Fee-for-Service Program (Original Session Date: 4/12/2021)

Contracting with Managed Care Organizations

Training Session #4: MCO contracting within the NJFC Program (Original Session Date: 6/28/2021)

  • Contracting Presentation (video on DHS SharePoint; cannot access)
    • Please note: The Q&A session is not in the recording, but the answers are added to the slide deck. 
  • Presentation Slide Deck including Q&A (PDF)

Contact Information

Doulas are encouraged to reach out to the Doula Guides for individual support and questions. Doula Guides are staff members dedicated to helping doula providers enroll and participate in NJ FamilyCare.


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