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Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services
New Jersey Helps
Reach NJ Addiction Help
Council on Mental Health Stigma
New Jersey Mental Health Cares Hotline
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline   Nacional de Prevencion del Suicidio
National Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
New Jersey Housing Resource Center
NJ Family Care
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
The Peer Recovery Warm Line

Click here
to view the Olmstead Settlement Agreement

Click here to view the Home to Recovery 2 Plan Letter

Click here to view the Home to Recovery 2 Plan (January 2017)

The priority of DMHAS' Home to Recovery - Conditional Extension Pending Placement (CEPP) Plan is to develop opportunities for community reintegration and tenure as required under the mandates of the Americans with Disabilities Act as interpreted by the Olmstead decision in 1999. Despite complex social, economic and political challenges facing the State, New Jersey remains committed to the mandates under the Olmstead decision to ensure that people with mental illness live in the most integrated settings possible. This CEPP Plan will guide systemic infrastructure expansion, the creation of new supportive housing models to ensure the timely discharge of consumers on CEPP status, and the development of preventative supports for those consumers in the community but at risk of hospitalization. To view the "Home to Recovery-CEPP Plan" (dated January 2008), please click here.  To view a slideshow presentation of this initiative, please click here.

The oversight of the Home to Recovery-CEPP Plan consists of several different committees and planning entities.

The Olmstead Advisory Committee will be chaired by a representative of DMHAS and co-chaired by a member of the New Jersey Behavioral Health Planning Council. The function of the this committee is to advise DMHAS in the planning and implementation of the Home to Recovery-CEPP Plan and be responsible for submitting a semi-annual advisory report to DMHAS management as well as to the Wellness and Recovery Transformation Advisory Committee (WRAC).

The Olmstead Oversight Committee is chaired by the Olmstead Coordinator and intended to be a DMHS internal working group tasked with implementing and monitoring the desired outcomes of the Home to Recovery Plan.

In addition to the two committees described above, there will be other Olmstead related committees.  Hospital Olmstead Committees will be convened and be charged with the local planning, implementing and tracking and evaluating existing policies and practices to ensure system-wide coordination.  Local Residential Planning Committees will be convened and charged with reviewing eligible consumers, facilitating coordinated assessments, treatment and timely discharges of CEPP consumers. There will be ongoing communication between the Olmstead Oversight Committee, the Hospital Olmstead Committees, Local Residential Planning Committees and the Olmstead Advisory Committee.

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