State Rehabilitation Council

The State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) is a partnership of persons with disabilities, advocates and other interested persons. It is committed to ensuring through policy development, implementation and advocacy that New Jersey has a rehabilitation program that is not only comprehensive and consumer-responsive but also effective, efficient, and significantly funded. The SRC is dedicated to ensuring that persons with disabilities receive rehabilitation services that result in employment.
Members of SRC believe:
- That people with disabilities, like all people, have diverse strengths that must be defined and identified along many dimensions
- That each person with a disability has value
- In a public system of vocational rehabilitation that is responsible and accountable to those it serves and to those who fund it
- In partnerships, affiliations and linkages
- That optimal results in rehabilitation depend on an equal partnership between consumers and the professional (service provider)
- That all consumers should be given enough information to make informed choices
- That all people with disabilities are ultimately responsible and accountable for the choices they make
- That all people with disabilities should have the opportunity to maximize their potential.
- That respect for all is critical to this process
- That it is necessary to support, further, and exemplify diversity and multiculturalism within the disability community and the community at large
- That the rights of people with disabilities should be advanced and protected
The SRC, on behalf of the community it represents, reviews, analyzes and advises the New Jersey State Vocational Rehabilitation Program (DVRS) regarding the performance of its responsibilities. Council goals and activities are set annually and are in response to both National and State issues, as mandated by Section 105 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. The focus of Council goals and activities includes but is not limited to Consumer Satisfaction, Statewide Needs Assessment, State Plan and Amendments, Policy, Extent/Scope/Effectiveness of Services, Interagency Agreements, and New Jersey's Employment programs.
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), signed into law July; 22, 2014, reauthorized the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 under title IV. It is important to note that most provisions under title IV went into effect upon enactment of WIOA. The SRC is committed to ensuring appropriate support to the DVRS in its implementation of WIOA.