DVRS Vendor Information

Organizations interested in becoming a New Jersey Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (DVRS) vendor must be qualified by virtue of direct experience, training, and education in the professional disciplines and service delivery models for which approval is sought. Please browse this page for information and guidelines regarding applying to become a DVRS vendor.
New Jersey Administrative Code 12:51 states that an organization will need to be operating for a minimum of 2 years or be able to demonstrate ability to provide employment and training services to persons with disabilities. Please understand that this standard is strictly upheld.
No referrals or set amount of revenue from DVRS can be guaranteed. Your organization must not consider DVRS funds as a primary source of revenue to either start or sustain operations. Each potential vendor must be able to support its operations independently of DVRS funding and must be doing so at the time of application. Job coaching services are purchased on a fee-for-service basis and not by contract. Long-Term Follow-Along services are funded via a contract.
Approval of new programs will be based upon the application, a letter of intent, and DVRS local office manager review. Approval also depends upon the need for the services in the county or counties in which you intend to operate. In addition, DVRS will periodically evaluate vendor performance, which includes compliance with New Jersey Administrative Code 12:51, quality of service, and other pertinent factors. DVRS reserves the right to terminate approved vendors for convenience or cause. If a vendor has become inactive, any outstanding invoices will be paid pending customary review by DVRS. Qualified Vendor applications will be reviewed for approval on a quarterly basis.
According to the New Jersey Administrative Code 12:51 – 18.1, the New Jersey Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (DVRS) has developed, maintained, and applied standards for approving vocationally oriented rehabilitation organizations to vend services to DVRS. (See New Jersey Administrative Code 12:51-18.1(a)). The DVRS maintains a firm commitment to ensure that quality, meaningful rehabilitation services will continue to be provided to individuals with disabilities. This commitment mandates DVRS to:
- Utilize an accreditation process that will enable the agency to meet the ever-changing demands of the rehabilitation movement
- Utilize the services of a nationally-recognized voluntary agency that has been established specifically for accreditation purposes, and operates independently of the institution it accredits
- Utilize an accrediting body that meets the criteria as an acceptable accreditation authority that has been adopted by the Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation (CSAVR) (See New Jersey Administrative Code 12:51-18.1(b))
In order to achieve the above, community rehabilitation programs that are providing the following services to consumers will apply for accreditation in employment services and arrange for an on-site survey by Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) or any other accrediting body that meets or exceeds CARF standards no later than the third year of operation from date of approval by DVRS:
- vocational evaluation
- work adjustment training
- extended employment
- time-limited job coaching, supported employment services, and long-term follow- along (LTFA)
Programs are encouraged to submit all core programs for accreditation, but are required to submit:
- comprehensive vocational evaluation services to vend vocational evaluation (covers PVE/DVE/STE, TWE, CBWE, CE)
- employment planning services (covers CBWE, TWE, CE)
- employee development services to vend work adjustment training (also covers Internship Development and Supports)
- organizational employment services to vend extended employment
- community employment services to vend supported employment and/or time- limited job coaching (covers pre-placement, job development, employment supports, and LTFA)
(See New Jersey Administrative Code 12:51-18.1(c))
What is Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF)?
CARF is an independent, nonprofit organization focused on advancing the quality of services used to meet an organization’s needs for the best possible outcomes. The mission of CARF is to promote the quality, value, and optimal outcomes of services through a consultative accreditation process and continuous improvement services that center on enhancing the lives of persons served (See A copy of the standards adopted and incorporated herein by reference as standards for the operation of vocational rehabilitation programs in New Jersey may be obtained from the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities, 4891 East Grant Road, Tucson, Arizona 85712-2704 (See New Jersey Administrative Code 12:51-2.2 (a)).
What constitutes, and what are the other accrediting bodies accepted by DVRS?
The standards maintained by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF), and published in the most recent Employment and Community Services Standards Manual and other accrediting bodies, such as the Council on Accreditation, are adopted as the standards for the operation of vocational rehabilitation programs in New Jersey (See New Jersey Administrative Code 12:51-2.1 (a)). Accreditation by other organizations that meet or exceed these standards would also be accepted.
The following are the accrediting bodies accepted by DVRS:
- CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities)
- Point of contact: Earl Rosales, or 888-281-6531 ext. 7198
- Note: 95% of our vendors have CARF
- CQL (Council on Quality and Leadership):
- Point of contact: Katherine Dunbar,
- COA (Council on Accreditation)
- Website:
- BHCOE (Behavioral Health Center of Excellence)
- Point of contact: Rose Feddock,;
- TJC (The Joint Commission, Behavioral Health)
What is the length of accreditation?
Generally, three years. At times, due to standards only being partially met, a one-year accreditation is given. (TJC can review the facility at any time – those that have TJC are usually hospital based or mental health providers).
Community Rehabilitation Programs (CRP) provide directly or facilitate the provision of one or more vocational rehabilitation services to individuals with disabilities. These services enable those individuals to maximize their opportunities for employment, including career advancement, and may include but is not limited to supported employment (SE) services (vocational assessment, job development, placement and retention services).
For the purposes of this definition, the word program means an agency, organization, or institution, or unit of an agency, organization, or institution, that provides directly or facilitates the provision of vocational rehabilitation services as one of its major functions. A jobseeker who is working with a CRP provider that provides "Supported Employment" will work with employment support professionals who are also known as employment specialists, employment consultants, or job coaches.
For more information about Community Rehabilitation Programs, please contact DVRS Administration at
Please fill out the online application and mail your letter of intent with the required attachments. Once these materials are reviewed, you will receive feedback on your status as a prospective vendor, including possible disapproval. You may be asked to clarify your letter of intent. You may be required to meet and discuss your plans with the manager of the local field office in the county or counties your organization intends to serve: Do not contact the local field office manager until advised by Central Office to do so. Applications will be closed after 6 months of inactivity.
To become a vendor of New Jersey Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (DVRS) services, you will need to submit a Standard Vendor Application along with documents specific for the type of service to be offered. This includes submitting a letter of intent for the appropriate service you are requesting to offer. New Jersey Administrative Code 12:51, Rules and Regulations for our Community Rehabilitation Programs, contains additional criteria which must be met by all vendors, and your letter of intent must demonstrate compliance with the code. Please familiarize yourself with the entire section of the administrative code by visiting, clicking that you agree with the terms and conditions, and typing "12:51" into the search field.
All vendors are required to submit a W-9, letter of intent, and register for NJSTART. Payments are made via a fee-for-service voucher system, with the exception of Long-Term Follow-Along services.
After becoming an approved DVRS vendor, you may contact your local DVRS Field Office to receive referrals. DVRS does not guarantee referrals.
If you have questions about DVRS vendors, please contact the CRP Unit in the DVRS Central Office at
Questions related to other state vendors outside of DVRS must be directed to the appropriate state entity.
Update your NJSTART profile and inform the CRP Unit at of any changes.