Equal Pay Act Reporting

On April 24, 2018, Governor Phil Murphy signed into law New Jersey’s Diane B. Allen Equal Pay Act (P.L. 2018, c. 9). The law provides in pertinent part that as of July 1, 2018, any employer entering into a contract with the State of New Jersey or an instrumentality of the State for “qualifying services” or “public works” must provide to the Department of Labor and Workforce Development—upon commencement of the contract—wage and demographic data for all employees who are employed in connection with the contract (for public works) and for all employees (for qualifying services).
This requirement DOES NOT apply to employers who are contracting with local governments (for example: municipalities and counties). The report must contain the gender, race, ethnicity, job category, compensation, and number of hours worked by each employee.
The New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development’s responsibilities under the Equal Pay Act is the collection of data regarding compensation, hours worked, job/occupational category, job title, gender, race, and ethnicity for State contactors and making that data available to the Division on Civil Rights (DCR), within the Department of Law and Public Safety, and upon request to certain individuals.
Complaints of unlawful discrimination under the Equal Pay Act should be directed to the DCR, as should any questions regarding the filing of such a complaint.
For filing instructions, please click here.
The report must contain the gender, race, ethnicity, job category, compensation, and number of hours worked for each employee.
The Commissioner of the Department of Labor and Workforce Development is required by the Act to retain these records, and to make the information available to the Division of Civil Rights, and, upon request, to employees and their authorized representatives.
Please choose the appropriate document below to complete the report:
- Contracts for Qualifying Services: Qualifying Services reports should be filed online via NJ Wage Hub. Reports can be filled out online or by PDF and submitted online at https://njwages.nj.gov. Alternatively, you can email the forms to: equalpayact@dol.nj.gov.
- Contracts for Public Works: For purposes of compliance with the Diane B. Allen Equal Pay Act, public works (certified payroll) reports should be filed online via NJ Wage Hub. By submitting certified payroll and/or contract/project details on the New Jersey Wage Hub, you comply with the public works contracts requirements of the Diane B. Allen Act.