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Response Capabilities
DCISR Button Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Image: NJSP & L&PS EAP Services Hotline:  1-800-FOR-NJSP | 1-800-FOR-NLPS

The Employee Assistance Program is a benefit available free of charge to all enlisted and civilian personnel of the New Jersey State Police and their family members. It also provides services to employees of the Department of Law and Public Safety.

The program was developed in 1981 to provide enlisted personnel of the State Police with a confidential place to discuss any personal or work related issues with a trained professional. Over the years, the office has become increasingly involved in critical incident stress debriefing, management consultations, and organizational training. In the last year it expanded its staff and office location to provide services to employees of the Department of Law and Public Safety. All EAP staff are certified and licensed professionals with expertise in behavioral health, occupational stress, and chemical dependency.

The EAP mission is to provide confidential services assisting employees and their families experiencing behavioral or personal problems with the most effective methods of identification, intervention, and resolution of these problems to enhance their health, wellness, and productivity. Unresolved personal or behavioral problems can have an enormous impact on job performance. Supervisors may refer employees to EAP when they are having performance problems.

At certain points in our lives we can be overcome by life situations such as the death of a loved one, depression, serious illness, financial problems or marital and family related difficulties. Usually we can handle things on our own. However, sometimes these problems reach a level which could impair work, home-life or our general sense of well-being. When you are not sure where assistance may be provided, EAP coordinators can assist you by helping you plan for a healthier and more productive life.

EAP coordinators respond to critical incidents. A critical incident is any event or unusual occurrence that can cause an enlisted or civilian employee to experience an unusually strong psychological or emotional reaction, which has potential to affect the employees ability to function in a well adjusted manner. When a critical incident occurs a staff member will, if practical, meet with the employee within hours of the incident. A subsequent meeting will be arranged with the employee again after the incident to discuss the psychological and emotional impact of the event. A critical incident debriefing is a psycho-educational process designed to alleviate the impact of the event. A debriefing is not a substitute for psychotherapy. In cases where symptoms of post-traumatic stress are evident the EAP coordinator will refer the employee for on-going counseling.


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