New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority

New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority

Public Records

To request access to government records of the New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority (NJEFA) under the New Jersey Open Public Records Act (OPRA), you may utilize EFA's records request form by clicking here. The request form contains OPRA guidelines, completion instructions, and a schedule of fees for duplication of government records.

Please see below for recently answered OPRA requests; please review these before submitting a request for information already provided below.

For more information on OPRA, please visit the New Jersey Government Records Council, the state agency that oversees the administration of OPRA throughout New Jersey state government. 

OPRA contact information at the New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority
Attn: Custodian of Public Records
103 College Road East
Princeton, NJ 08540
Phone (609) 987-0880
Fax (609) 987-0850

NJEFA Responses to OPRA Requests


2021-04-20 OPRA Request

2021-10-05 OPRA Request

2021-10-12 OPRA Request


2022-02-22 OPRA Request


2023-03-06 OPRA Request

2023-03-06 OPRA Request

2023-07-10 OPRA Request


2024-01-08 OPRA Request

2024-02-15 OPRA Request

2024-05-15 OPRA Request

2024-06-28 OPRA Request

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