New Jersey Maternal and Infant Health Innovation Authority will be governed by a 15-member Board and shall employ an appointed President and Chief Executive Officer who will hire accompanying staff. The Board will adopt recommendations for action to reduce maternal mortality, morbidity, and disparities from the New Jersey Maternal Care Quality Collaborative (NJMCQC). The Board also will be required to coordinate with a Community Advisory Committee to support and inform the work of the Authority. The 11-member community advisory committee will represent diverse community groups with relevant experience as providers or recipients of maternal, infant, and child health services.
On Maternal Health Awareness Day 2019, First Lady Tammy Murphy launched Nurture NJ, a statewide initiative committed to transforming New Jersey into the safest and most equitable state in the nation to deliver and raise a baby. Currently, New Jersey is ranked 27th in the nation for maternal deaths and has one of the widest racial disparities for both maternal and infant mortality. A Black mother in New Jersey is almost seven times more likely than a white mother to die from maternity-related complications, and a Black baby is nearly three times more likely than a white baby to die before his or her first birthday.