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  Police and Firemen's Retirement System of New Jersey

Untitled Document

About Us

Meetings are held every Second Monday 10:00 A.M.

*Indicates change due to holiday or conflict of original schedule.

PFRSNJ Board of Trustees meetings are held at the following location:

Division of Pensions & Benefits
50 West State Street (One State Street Square)
Trenton, NJ 08608
Directions to meeting

Police and Firemen's Retirement System of New Jersey Board of Trustees - Term effective February 1, 2019

P.L. 2018, c. 55 (Chapter 55), established a new Police and Firemen’s Retirement System of New Jersey (PFRSNJ) Board of Trustees, effective February 1, 2019.

Three (3) active Police Representatives: One (1) elected by the active members of the system, one (1) appointed by the president of the New Jersey State Policemen’s Benevolent Association (PBA), and one (1) appointed by the President of the New Jersey State Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) . Three (3) active Fire Representatives: One (1) elected by the active members of the system, one (1) appointed by the president of the New Jersey State Firefighters Mutual Benevolent Association (NJFMBA), and one (1) appointed by the President of the Professional Firefighter’s Association of New Jersey (PFANJ). One (1) retiree elected from the retirees of the system. Five (5) Trustees appointed by the Governor.

Name Position
James Kompany* PBA Appointment
Timothy Colacci** PFANJ Appointment
Marc Morgan FOP Appointment
Richard Myers NJFMBA Appointment
Raymond Heck Police Representative (Elected)
Matthew Lubin Fire Representative (Elected)
Stephen Trowbridge Retiree Representative (Elected)
Edward T. Oatman Governor's Appointment
Vacant Governor's Appointment
John C. Glidden, Jr. Governor's Appointment
Susan Jacobucci Governor's Appointment
John Megariotis Governor's Appointment



PFRSNJ Board Election Information

The election process has begun to fill one position on the Police and Firemen’s Retirement System of New Jersey (PFRSNJ) Board of Trustees; one active police position for a four-year term beginning February 1, 2025.

Election Information for Active Representatives

A Notice of Election has been distributed to all employing locations with enrolled PFRS police members which indicates that elections will soon begin for one active police representative for the PFRSNJ Board of Trustees. The Certifying Officer at each employing location is required to distribute this information to eligible employees when the notice is received. The Certifying Officer’s attention to this distribution is required under N.J.A.C. 17:4-1.4. Further, it will be the Certifying Officer’s responsibility to distribute each ballot to the member in accordance with the administrative code.

Police Representative

A police representative will be elected for a four-year term beginning on February 1, 2025, and ending on January 31, 2029. A member who wishes to be a candidate for the police position must be an active and enrolled PFRS police member as of June 30, 2024, and must receive at least 500 active PFRS police member nominations. Only active PFRS police members may nominate a candidate for the PFRSNJ police position.

If you wish to declare your interest in running for this position, please send a written request by July 5, 2024, to Lisa Pointer, PFRSNJ Board Secretary, at or P.O. Box 297, Trenton, NJ 08625-0297.

After the candidates have declared their interest in becoming an active PFRS police representative, nominations to support your choice for a candidate are made online through a secure website.

The process is very easy and it only takes a few minutes to support the candidate of your choice. You will need to have access to a computer. Log on to YesElections and follow the simple directions. You will need to provide the last four digits of your social security number, the first four letters of your last name, and your year/month of birth. You will then see a list of all the candidates, and you can make your selection. Please be sure to allow sufficient time for active police members to request candidacy and for the vendor to enter the candidate’s name to the nomination online system.

Nominations must be received online on or before 4:00 p.m., Friday, August 2, 2024. If more than one police candidate receives 500 or more nominations, an election will be required. All eligible nominees will be invited to attend the drawing by lot for position on the ballot, if necessary, on August 23, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. at the PFRSNJ Board Office. Each member must cast his/her own ballot.

The general responsibility for the operation of the PFRSNJ is vested in the Board of Trustees under the provisions of N.J.S.A. 43:16A-13. The Board meets monthly at the Division of Pensions and Benefits in Trenton. The statute provides that no employee shall suffer loss of salary or wages because of serving on the Board.

Present Terms:

Three (3) active police representatives:

  1. Raymond Heck – Elected by the active police members of the PFRS – Term ending 1/31/25
  2. James Kompany – Appointed by the NJ State PBA president
  3. Marc Morgan – Appointed by the NJ FOP president

Three (3) active fire representatives:

  1. Matthew Lubin – Elected by the active fire members of the PFRS – Term ending 1/31/27
  2. Richard Myers – Appointed by the NJ FMBA president
  3. Tim Colacci – Appointed by the PFANJ president

One (1) Retiree

  1. Stephen Trowbridge – Elected by retirees of PFRS – Term ending 1/31/27

Five (5) Trustees Appointed by the Governor

  1. John Megariotis
  2. Edward Oatman
  3. Susan Jacobucci
  4. Vacant
  5. John Glidden

Board Responsibilities

  • Render determinations regarding Disability Retirement cases and approve retirements.
  • Review appeals pertaining to the disallowance of pension benefits.
  • Adopt rules and regulations to (a) provide for the payment of benefits and collection of monies as required by the statute and (b) to prevent injustices and inequities that may arise in the operation of the Retirement System within the limitations of statutes and opinions of the Courts.
  • Establish rules and regulations within the limitations of statutes and opinions of the Courts designed to prevent injustices and inequities that may arise in the operation of the Retirement System.
  • Resolve individual questions on the merits of each case in terms of statutes, advice of the Actuary and cases cited by counsel as deliberated by the Courts.
  • View monthly and annual reports setting forth data such as assets and liabilities, income and disbursements and statistical summarization of membership as documented by the Actuary.
  • The Board will be responsible for the funding policies and directing the investments of the funds.
  • Transmit hearing requests to the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) and review decisions from the OAL.

Last Updated: Wednesday, 04/03/24