New Jersey Business Action Center

Department of State
New Jersey Business Action Center
The Hon. Tahesha Way, Secretary of State


Interested in becoming an exporter or expanding your Exports?

If you’re looking for export opportunities you’ve come to the right place. The Office of Export Promotion works with New Jersey’s small and mid-sized companies interested in expanding sales and their customer base for your products and services through export. Companies interested in global business activity can tap into a number of resources on business export planning available through the NJBAC Export Promotion unit.

Webinar slide
Practical Government Assistance for Doing Business Internationally

Originally presented 03/17/22

The NJBAC participated in a webinar with SCORE to provide practical tips on how to do business internationally. Greg Larkin, of the NJ Office of Export Promotion participated in the webinar. Please feel free to share the webinar with your constituents.

View the 03/17/22 Webinar

Research shows that businesses who export their goods and services have significantly greater growth potential. Entering into the Global Marketplace is easier than you think and our Global Business Advocates will be your guide to help you start your business’ export planning and navigate your way to international success through a variety of services.

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Call Our Business Helpline
1-800-Jersey-7 (1-800-537-7397) can take your business step-by-step through critical government processes. Want to talk through your specific business needs with a live representative? Visit to access the live chat feature and connect with NJBAC experts in real time.

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