Department of Transportation


The Specifications are the compilation of provisions and requirements for the performance of prescribed work contained in the Standard Specifications as modified via Departmental announcements and incorporated in the Standard Input, and Electrical Materials Specifications. Project specific specifications (Special Provisions) are prepared using the Standard Input as a template. Further information on each of these documents is as follows:

Standard Specifications
Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction and for Electrical Materials Specifications, are the directions, provisions, and requirements that outline the description of work, method and manner to perform the work, the acceptance criteria and measurement and payment statement for a particular item of work. A specification is a description of the physical and/or functional characteristics and the requirements to be satisfied by a product or service and the procedure to determine whether the requirements are satisfied.

The 2019 Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction was announced via BDC19S-01.

Standard Input (SI)
The Standard Input (SI) contains some generic information required on every project. For example, the SI contains contact office location for all three regions, the designer chooses only one of the three based on the location of the project, etc. The SI also includes the approved changes to the Specifications until they are incorporated in the next publication of the Specifications. The designers use the SI as a template to prepare project specific Special Provisions, which are part of the Contract Documents. The Standard Input Guidelines provide information on how to utilize and make changes to the Standard Inputs.

SI Download Date
Standard Input 2019
Standard Input 2007

Specifications Style Guidelines
The Specifications Style Guidelines explain the format of the 2007 Standard Specifications and provide guidance to the designers in preparing Special Provisions for projects utilizing the 2019 Standard Specifications.The guidelines detail the writing style, word and number usage, and formatting..

Special Provisions
The Project specific "Special Provisions" are prepared using the current Standard Input (SI) with project specific requirements filled-in. The Special Provisions must also include required non-standard specifications which are not covered in either the Standard Specifications or the SI.

While preparing project specific "Special Provisions" designers are directed to acquire the current Standard Specifications and the current Standard Inputs. Along with the current Standard Inputs, designers must check for individual Notices published in the Corrective Action Notices and the Quality Improvement Advisories to determine if the Standard Specifications have been altered.

Standard Specifications plus the project specific Special Provisions make up the contract language that determines the responsibilities of all involved parties for a specific project.

Revisions are made to the Standard Specifications through the issuance of Baseline Document Change (BDC) Announcements. These revisions are incorporated directly into the Standard Input (SI) with instructions.

Special Provisions Attachments
The Special Provisions Attachments located at the end of the Standard Input. There are two sets of attachments, one for use on Federal projects and another for State Funded projects. See the Standard Input (SI) for instructions on their use.

Electrical Specifications
Additional information about electrical, traffic signal and luminaire specifications may be found at Electrical Engineering.

Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) also maintains specification information concerning approved materials. Additional information on Intelligent Transportation System Material Specifications may be found at ITS Engineering.

Non-Standard Items Sample Specifications
Sample specifications are provided for various non-standard items that are commonly used on construction and maintenance projects. These boilerplate sample specifications are intended for use by designers, consultants and contractors in an effort to save time in developing and writing specifications for non-standard items.

Non-Standard Items Sample Specification
Sign Lighting Maintenance System

Last updated date: September 16, 2024 9:53 AM