; Speed Limits for Local Roads - Carolier Lane, Traffic Regulations, Reference/Links

Department of Transportation

Various Regulations for Local Roads under State Jurisdiction

Carolier Lane (vicinity of Routes US 1 & US 130)
Certain parts of the roadway known as Carolier Lane (also known as Frontage Road) (vicinity of Route US 1 & US 130), located in the Township of North Brunswick in Middlesex County, are under New Jersey Department of Transportation jurisdiction.  Traffic on these sections of the roadway is hereby controlled by the following regulations:
(a) The rate of speed designated for the certain parts of Carolier Lane described in this subsection are hereby established and adopted as the maximum legal rate of speed:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 35 MPH between Route US 130 and Milltown Road/Main Street (County Route 606).
(b) The certain parts of Carolier Lane described in this subsection are hereby designated and established as “no stopping or standing” zones, where stopping or standing is prohibited at all times:
(1) No stopping or standing along both sides:
(A) Between Route US 130 and Milltown Road/Main Street (County Route 606), except in areas covered by other approved parking restrictions.
(c) The certain parts of Carolier Lane described in this subsection are hereby designated and established as “no passing zones”:
(1) No Passing Zones:
(A) For the entire length, between Route US 130 and Milltown Road/Mill Street (County Route 606).

Last updated date: April 28, 2020 2:13 PM