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NJ Equine

Jersey Equine

Horse Breeding & Development Program

The Horse Breeding and Development Program supports the state's ever growing pleasure horse industry.

  • Extensive youth educational programs
  • Equine related activities for children
  • Boy and Girl Scout badge program
  • Sponsor Equine research
  • Non-racing breeder awards
  • Horse shows and other events
  • Promotion of the equine industry, overall
  • Horse Park of New Jersey
  • Jersey Bred

Junior Breeders Program

The New Jersey Junior Breeders' Fund is looking to future generations of agricultural education/FFA students and 4-H members to continue to advance the breeding of purebred livestock and the production quality of grade livestock. In doing so, we are offering loans to help agricultural education/FFA students and 4-H members of the state carry out this goal. For information, you may visit:

Equine Advisory Board

The mission of the Equine Advisory Board is to assist the department in the above mentioned efforts. The panel has 48 members, which represent 16 different breed groups and additional agricultural organizations. One of the board's primary functions is to recommend horse breeding and development programs to the State Board of Agriculture.

Equine Advisory Board Members

photo of horses

For more information concerning the New Jersey Equine Advisory Board and its program, contact Lynn Mathews or call (609) 913-6514.

Last Updated: 06/03/2024

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