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Official Site of the state of New Jersey

Reentry Information

The Casino Control Commission's vision—to be a key partner and catalyst in promoting the general welfare, health, and prosperity of Atlantic City, the Greater Atlantic City Region, and the State of New Jersey—calls it to be engaged in the South Jersey region bringing awareness to potential employment opportunities in the casino industry for former offenders as well as the benefits available to employers who hire the rehabilitated.

From the inception of legalized casino gaming in New Jersey until 2020, the Commission was statutorily precluded from granting a casino key employee license to anyone disqualified under the Casino Control Act. Pursuant to new legislation effective January 21, 2020, the Commission may now grant a license to anyone who successfully completes "Recovery Court," providing life-altering opportunities and career goals.  (Read "The Positive Impact of Reentry Employment in Obtaining a Casino Key Employee License and for the Atlantic City Casino Industry and Community as a Whole." International Journal of Gaming Hospitality and Tourism, October 14, 2021.)

The Commission's efforts include coordinating with government partners and non-profit reentry organizations to provide formerly incarcerated individuals with information about their recently gained key license eligibility. The casino gaming industry has a notable history of mentoring employees from entry level to key positions. By opening the door to advancement in the industry, the legislation has the potential to be a real game changer for people in giving them a second chance.

Persons in need of employment assistance who have been recently released from incarceration, were previously incarcerated, or have an arrest or misdemeanor conviction, should be sure to visit New Jersey's Ex-offender Services page.

Reentry events

Date & Time Event Name Location

March 11,
1 p.m. - 4 p.m.

Atlantic County JOBS Fair

All Wars Memorial Building
1510 Adriatic Avenue
Atlantic City

April 17,
8 a.m. - 3 p.m.

NJ Reentry Corporation

Saint Peter's University
Mac Mahon Student Center
Jersey City, NJ

Updates may be sent to  (see Conditions of Use)

Reentry partnerships

The Commission partners with public sector agencies and groups to promote various benefits available to employers who hire individuals exiting the criminal justice system.  Event partners have included:

The Commission partners with non-profit reentry organizations to provide formerly incarcerated individuals with information about potential employment in the casino industry.  Event partners have included:

Casino Key Employee License eligibility

Legislation enacted by Governor Murphy on January 21, 2020 provides the Commission with discretion to issue Casino Key Employee Licenses to persons formerly convicted of certain offenses provided certain conditions are met.  P.L. 2019, c.511.

Offenses must be related to a controlled dangerous substance, an imitation controlled dangerous substance, or a controlled dangerous substance analog.

Persons formerly convicted of a related offense must have either:

  1. been sentenced to, and successfully discharged from, a term of special probation (commonly known as "drug court") as provided under N.J.S. 2C:35-14; or
  2. been convicted of a third or fourth degree related offense and successfully completed a licensed drug treatment program within the Department of Corrections and completed serving the sentence imposed for that crime, including any term of parole supervision.

To get started, download the Guide to Reentry Employment in the Casino Industry - Casino Key Employees and assemble the required documents. Commission staff will review the documents with you for completeness before you file an application for a key license.

For more information or assistance, please contact the Commission's Licensing & Financial Evaluation Unit by email or call 609-402-0803.