Work We Do

The Office of the State Comptroller (OSC) is an independent State agency that works to make government in New Jersey more efficient, transparent and accountable.

Established in 2008, OSC is tasked with examining all aspects of government expenditures, including reviewing public contracts, auditing finances, and evaluating the performance of programs. OSC reviews contracts and conducts audits of the executive branch of State government, including, among other entities, local governments, state colleges and universities, state agencies, and independent state authorities.

In 2010, the powers of the Office of the Inspector General were consolidated under OSC. Since then, OSC has worked to detect and uncover government waste, fraud and abuse, monitor the performance of executive branch employees, officials, and entities, and issue investigative reports to the public.

The powers and duties of the Office of the Medicaid Inspector General were also transferred to OSC in 2010. Ever since, OSC has worked to protect the integrity of New Jersey’s Medicaid program and works to detect and recover funds that are improperly used. Each month, OSC returns millions of dollars back to taxpayers.

OSC has a staff of 140 attorneys, investigators, auditors, data analysts, and administrative specialists who are organized into four divisions – Audit, Investigations, Medicaid Fraud, and Procurement — along with an Executive Team.

The Office has been led by Acting State Comptroller Kevin D. Walsh since 2020.

Welcome to the Office of the State Comptroller

Waste or Abuse

Report Fraud
Waste or Abuse