Frequently Asked Questions

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Questions that are important for undocumented children and their families to know about have a star ☆ next to them. These may also apply to children in mixed-status households or children with “qualified immigrant” status.  

I. Background Questions

Cover All Kids is an initiative to reach all uninsured children in New Jersey under the age of 19. It provides NJ FamilyCare coverage to all income-eligible kids in New Jersey. As of January 2023, New Jersey has expanded coverage to all income-eligible children, regardless of immigration status. Cover All Kids became New Jersey law in 2021 (P.L. 2021, c.132)

  1. There are two phases for implementing the Cover All Kids initiative.
  2. Phase 1 – Completed in July 2021
    • Elimination of premiums and waiting periods
    • Enhancement of outreach initiatives to increase enrollment
    • Focus on US citizens and people with “qualified immigrant” status
  3. Phase 2 – Started in January 2023
    • Expansion of coverage to all income-eligible children, regardless of immigration status
    • Continuation of outreach activities to increase enrollment
    • Focus on people without “qualified immigrant” status

The COVID-19 pandemic showed how important healthcare coverage and access to proper medical care are. Cover All Kids gives all income-eligible children in New Jersey access to primary and preventive health services. This will promote better health outcomes and lower overall costs of care.

Parents, relatives, or caregivers can apply online at They can also apply over the phone by speaking to an NJ FamilyCare health benefits coordinator at 1-800-701-0710 (TTY: 711).

The person submitting the application has to be an adult (18+ years old). If an emancipated minor is submitting their own application, they must have proof of legal emancipation.

The person filling out the application does not have to apply for coverage for themselves. They will not have to share their citizenship or immigration status.

II. Eligibility Questions

Children under 19 years old can qualify for NJ FamilyCare. Their immigration status does not matter, but they do have to meet the income guidelines.

NJ FamilyCare includes all NJ children regardless of immigration status from birth until they turn 19. Apply online at or by speaking to an NJ FamilyCare health benefits coordinator at 1-800-701-0710 (TTY: 711).

If you have an address where you can securely receive mail (like a family or friend’s residence or a PO Box), you can use this on the application. If you do not have access to another private address, you can use the address of your county board of social services or an address that where you can get your mail as long as you have an agreement to use that address. Once enrolled, you should always update your address when you move by calling the NJ FamilyCare health benefits coordinator at 1-800-701-0710 (TTY: 711). This is to make sure that you receive important messages and notices. It is important to reply promptly to any mail you get.

Using NJ FamilyCare services does not make them subject to the public charge inadmissibility determination. The only benefits that are considered in the public charge test are cash assistance programs that provide on-going support including Supplemental Security Income (SSI), TANF, and General Assistance. Long-term institutional care, such as a nursing home, paid by the government is also included. If you are unsure if this applies to you or a family member, please consult with an immigration attorney.

  1. There are two main pieces of information in the application: where you live (NJ residence) and how much money you make (income). 
    • If you do not have a permanent address, please see the question “If my child doesn’t have a permanent address, what should I write down as their mailing address?” The address you write down should be somewhere you can get mail.
    • If you do not have the same income all the time, you can use an average. So, if you make $50 one month and $100 the next month, your income would be an average of $75 per month.
      Formula: Add the income from each month together. Then, divide that sum by the number of months in your sum. For the example above, $50 + $100 = $150. Then, $150 ÷ 2 months = $75 per month.
  2. Children applying for NJ FamilyCare without “qualified immigrant” status will not have to provide additional documents.
  1. Your child does not need a social security number to apply for NJ FamilyCare. If they have a social security number, you must provide it at the time of application to avoid delays in processing.
  2. If your child does not have a social security number at the time of application and they are eligible for a SSN, they can still receive coverage. The agency that processes their application will notify them that they must get one after NJ FamilyCare says they qualify for NJ FamilyCare. The agency that processes their application will check their SSN a year later, at their annual renewal.
  3. There are some categories of immigrants who may qualify for a non-work social security number. Qualifying for public benefits may help them obtain a non-work SSN. For more information, visit the US Social Security Administration at

Children who do not have “qualified immigrant” status do not need to provide a social security number. They are also not required to get one, unless their immigration status changes. You have to report any change in your child’s immigration status to NJ FamilyCare – either over the phone or in person at the county board of social services, wherever you initially applied.

III. Coverage Questions

Members will receive the standard NJ FamilyCare benefit package, which includes these services and more:

  1. Primary and specialty care, including check-ups and other doctor’s visits
  2. Eye glasses
  3. Hospitalization (both inpatient and outpatient)
  4. Lab tests/x-rays
  5. Prescriptions
  6. Dental services
  7. Preventive screenings
  8. Vaccinations
  9. Mental health and substance abuse testing and treatment
  10. Vision services
  11. Hearing services
  12. Lead screening
  13. Family planning
  14. Other medically necessary services

Yes, you can pick the Health Plan you want on the application. Each county has several Health Plans, also known as Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) that you can choose.

To choose a Health Plan, ask yourself these questions:

  • What doctors or specialists does my child see? Which Health Plans do they accept?
  • Does the Health Plan work with other participating doctors, dentists, and drug stores/pharmacies that are convenient for us to use?

More information about each plan is available in English and Spanish in member handbook online:

  1. Aetna Better Health of New Jersey
  2. Fidelis Care
  3. Horizon NJ Health
  4. UnitedHealthcare Community Plan
  5. WellPoint

After you are enrolled, you can use your Health Plan’s provider network to find the services they need. Provider directories are available from each Health Plan’s website. These are listed above. Remember to bring your blue and white health benefits identification (HBID) card and your Health Plan card to medical visits. Show these when you check in. For more information on how to use your benefits and what your cards look like, visit

Most members will not have to pay anything to receive services. Some members who have higher incomes will have co-pays between $5 and $35, as of 2022. A co-pay is what you pay at the doctor’s office for the visit.

Members will have to renew their coverage once a year. This is the same as standard NJ FamilyCare members. It is important for you to keep your address updated with NJ FamilyCare because important messages and notices come through the mail.

Yes. It is important to tell NJ FamilyCare about any change in your household. This includes changes in your address, income, and number of people who live in your household. Call an NJ FamilyCare health benefits coordinator at 1-800-0710 (TTY: 711) to update your information.

All pregnant NJ FamilyCare members can remain covered for one year after the end of their pregnancy. If your child turns 19 during their pregnancy, their coverage will continue for a year after the end of their pregnancy.

It is important to call NJ FamilyCare’s health benefits coordinator (1-800-701-0710, TTY: 711) and your Health Plan to notify them of the pregnancy. Pregnant NJ FamilyCare members are eligible for additional pregnancy-related benefits.

  1. Pregnant members have to call NJ FamilyCare at 1-800-701-0710 (TTY: 711) to let NJ FamilyCare know they are pregnant. They should also call their Health Plan. NJ FamilyCare coverage will continue for 12 months after their pregnancy ends, even if that happens after their 19th birthday. Calling is important because then NJ FamilyCare knows to extend eligibility, even after they turn 19.

  2. Members should also watch for and respond to mail whenever they receive it from NJ FamilyCare. If NJ FamilyCare has questions (like whether their income has changed or whether anyone is pregnant), it is important to respond to and return the mail.  
  1. A child turning 19 will have a renewal scheduled before their 19th birthday. NJ FamilyCare will assess them for all other programs.

  2. Members who do not have “qualified immigrant” status will no longer be eligible for NJ FamilyCare after their 19th birthday, unless their immigration status changes. Learn more about immigration status and NJ FamilyCare here