Housing & Community Resources

The division provides a wide range of services addressing needs in Housing Assistance, Housing Production, Community Development, Neighborhood Revitalization and Improvement, Energy Assistance and Community Services.
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- Download the .pdf file to your personal drive.
- Open the document translation app throgh Google Tranlate by clicking this link: Google Document Translation
- Once in Google Translate, click the tab on top that says "Documents"
- Directly below the Documents tab you will see a selection for "Detect Language". Select the language that the file is currently in. If the language you are seeking isn't showing in the tabs, click on the down arrow ▼ to see more languages.
- Directly across from the "Detect Language" area you will see two little arrows pointing in opposite directions ⇄ followed by the language desired for translation. Click on the language you would like the document translated into. If the language you are seeking isn't showing in the tabs, click on the down arrow ▼ to see more languages.
- Once desired laguage has been chosen, either drag and drop the downloaded file from your personal drive, OR click on the "Browse your files" button to find your downloaded .pdf.
- Once the file shows up in the Google Translate window, click the "Translate" button.
- You can then either click "Open Translation" to view the newly translated file on your browser, OR, if you are working in Microsoft Edge and the pdf reader is disabled, click on the "Download Translation" button for the file to be downloaded to your personal folders.
Notice of Language Assistance: Español / 中文 / Português / 한국인 / Tiếng Việt / العربية / Kreyól Ayisyen /ગુજરાતી / Italiano / Polski
The State’s 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan, 2025 Annual Action Plan
The NJ FamilyCare Housing Supports Provider Readiness Program (HSPRP) for State Fiscal Year 2025
Request for Quote (RFQ) to Develop Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Mobility Implementation Plan