The State Ethics Commission is transitioning to a new, web-based Financial Disclosure Statement filing system through SimpliGov. Filers who received notice prior to July 1, 2024, may use our prior PDF-based filing system utilizing Adobe software or the new SimpliGov system. (The PDF-based system will be discontinued on October 31, 2024.)

To use the PDF-based system, you will need to download the appropriate form, and also obtain an authentication code from our website, at Authentication Code Request. The letter you received from us will advise you which form to use. The Public Employee form is available at PDF Forms and the Public Officer form is available at PDF Forms. You must complete the PDF form using Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader, on either a desktop or laptop computer. *The PDF form cannot be completed using a tablet or other mobile device.* Instructions for filing signing and submitting the PDF form are available at PDF Forms. Contact with any questions regarding this process.

To use the new, web-based system, please email to request the link to our SimpliGov site.


Financial Disclosure Statements ("FDSs") must be filed online using the SimpliGov system. This is mandatory for all filers who received notice after July 1st, 2024.

State employees, State officers, and Special State Officers required to file an FDS will be provided a link to the SimpliGov system to complete the statement. You may access the link through any internet-connected device (i.e., your computer, tablet, and/or phone).

Most first-time FDS filers must submit their forms within 120 days of appointment. Thereafter, FDS submissions are due on May 15 of each year, regardless of whether that day falls on a weekend or holiday. A $50 per day penalty is assessed for each day past the deadline for late filers.

(Those filers with other deadlines will be notified by their agency’s Ethics Liaison Officer (“ELO”) and State Ethics Commission (“SEC”) Staff.

On the first screen, you will indicate whether you are filing your FDS as a Public Employee  or as a Public Officer. If you are unsure which statement to file, STOP and contact your ELO for guidance. If you are unsure of your Agency’s ELO, please refer to the SEC website tab “Agency Ethics Liaison Officers.”

Once you have chosen the correct statement, you will be directed to the Instructions page. Please read the Instructions and indicate that you have done so by clicking the appropriate checkbox. If you do not understand the instructions and require assistance, you may call the SEC at 609-292-1892 during regular business hours. Because you may have questions that will need to be answered by SEC Staff, we STRONGLY ADVISE that you do not wait until the last day to file your FDS. Your ELO will also be available to assist with questions.

Upon completion of the statement, please make sure you have attached any additional documents necessary, and that any attached documents do not include any personal identifiers, such as your address, phone number, account numbers, or Social Security number.

Complete the Attestation page. As a reminder, you certify to the accuracy of the statement under penalty of perjury.

You will receive an email that your statement has been filed. You will then receive an email if your statement needs corrections, or if your statement has been approved. If your statement needs corrections, you will be provided a link to the statement and advised as to the corrections needed. You will correct the statement and resubmit it.

Once your statement is approved, the email advising you of the approval will include a PDF copy of your completed statement for your records. Your finalized FDS will be posted to our website if required by EO 2 (Murphy).

Specific instructions are provided within the FDS, and more detailed instructions are provided on the SEC website for the Employee and Officer statements. Please read these instructions to ensure that you are providing complete and accurate information.

As always, SEC Staff is available to assist you with your technical issues or general questions. You may call our office at 609-292-1892 during regular business hours, or email for assistance. Someone will respond to your inquiry within two business days. It is imperative that you do not wait until the last day to file your statement in case assistance is needed.





Last updated July 1st, 2024