Name (please print):_____________________

Work Address:___________________________
Office E-mail:__________________________
Department/Agency: _____________________
Office Telephone:_______________________
Civil Service Title:
Functional Title
(if different):_____________________________
Job Duties:_____________________________

1) Are you currently engaged in, or planning to engage in, any business, trade, profession and/or part-time or full-time employment, paid or unpaid, outside of or in addition to your State employment?
_____ Yes _____No
If no, skip to question 6.

2) Name of Outside Employer(s) or Business(es).______________
Indicate if you are an owner, partner or corporate officer._________________
Type of Business:______________
Description of responsibilities:________________
Specify Days Worked Per Week (i.e. Mon., Tues., Wed., etc.:)________________
Work Hours: __am/pm to ___am/pm

3) Is your current or proposed outside employment or business being performed for or with any other employee(s) or official(s) of your State agency? __Yes __No
If yes, name and title of employee(s) or official(s)._______________
Do you have a supervisor-subordinate relationship with this person(s)? __Yes __No
If yes, explain.___________________

4) Does or will your outside employment or business require/cause you to have contacts with any NJ State agencies, vendors, consultants or casino license holders or applicants1, medical cannabis permit holders, applicants, or entities2, or personal use cannabis license holders, applicants, or entities3? __Yes __No
If yes, explain, providing name of the agency, vendor, consultant, casino license holder, medical cannabis permit holder, applicant, or entity, or personal use cannabis license holder, applicant, or entity you will have contacts with, and the nature of those contacts._______________

5) In your current or proposed outside employment or business do you or will you contract with or receive compensation from any New Jersey State agency? __Yes __No
If yes, indicate name of State agency and attach a copy of the contract. If no contract exists, provide a description of your business arrangement with the State agency.___________
If you have a contract with the State, did you receive the approval of the State Ethics Commission prior to entering into the contract? __Yes __No

6) Do you hold a license, permit, registration, certification, certificate or commission issued by a New Jersey State agency that entitles you to engage in a particular business profession, trade or occupation? (e.g, Real Estate, Teaching)                      ____Yes ____No.
If yes, type of license, permit, registration, certification, certificate or commission. __________________________
When was the license, permit, registration, certification, certificate or commission issued? _________________
Is the license, permit, registration, certification, certificate or commission active? __________________________

7) Do you currently hold, or plan to hold, any outside voluntary position(s)? __Yes __No
If yes, explain. _________________
Does this position require you to have contacts with any New Jersey State agency? _____Yes _____No
If yes, explain._________________

8) Are you an officer in any professional, trade, business or other organization? __Yes __No
If yes, explain. ________________

9) Are you serving in any public office, or considering appointment or election to any public office? __Yes __No
If yes, what is the position and where is it located?____________
What are the duties of the position? ____________________________
Hours engaged in the elective/appointive office?_______________

10) Do you have an ownership interest in any partnership, corporation, professional service corporation, or any other firm or entity that is (a) performing any service for a New Jersey State agency, (b) directly or indirectly receiving funding from a New Jersey State agency, or (c) regulated by a New Jersey State agency?
__Yes __No
If yes, for each indicate the following:
Name of employer, partnership, corporation or other entity in which you hold an ownership interest.
Nature of ownership interest in the partnership, corporation or other entity, and extent of ownership interest:
Identify the State agency(ies) with which the entity does business, receives funding, or is regulated.


11) Are you or any members of your immediate family* employed by a New Jersey casino licensee or applicant1? __Yes __No.

*Immediate family means a spouse, civil union partner, domestic partner, child, parent, or sibling residing in your household.

If yes, state:
Family Member's Name_____________
Name of Casino:______________
Position Held:_________________



12)  Are you or any members of your immediate family employed by a New Jersey medical cannabis permit holder, applicant, or entity 2?__Yes __No.

*Immediate family means a spouse, civil union partner, domestic partner, child, parent, or sibling residing in your household.

If yes, state:
Family Member's Name_____________
Name of Entity:______________
Position Held:_________________


13) Are you or any members of your immediate family employed by a New Jersey personal use cannabis license holder, applicant, or entity 3? __Yes __No.

*Immediate family means a spouse, civil union partner, domestic partner, child, parent, or sibling residing in your household.

If yes, state:
Family Member's Name_____________
Name of Entity:______________
Position Held:_________________


14) Do you or an immediate family member hold an interest in any casino license holders or applicants1, medical cannabis permit holders, applicants, or entities 2, or personal use cannabis license holders, applicants, or entities 3? __Yes __No.
*If yes, explain, providing the name of the casino license holder, medical cannabis permit holder, applicant, or entity, or personal use cannabis license holder, applicant, or entity in which you hold an interest, the percentage of your ownership interest and whether the entity is a professional service corporation.




I certify that this questionnaire contains no willful misstatement of fact, nor omission of a material fact. I understand that should my State employment and/or outside activity change, I am required to promptly submit a new Outside Activity Questionnaire.
Signature of Employee: ______________

Decision of Immediate Supervisor:
______ Approved ______ Disapproved
Print Name of Immediate Supervisor:_______________
Signature of Supervisor: ___________

Decision of Ethics Liaison Officer:
______ Approved _______ Disapproved
Signature of Ethics Liaison Officer:__________

Notification of decision was provided to employee on: _________

NOTE: Under the Uniform Ethics Code ("UEC") a State employee may appeal an agency Ethics Liaison Officer's decision to disapprove an outside activity. An appeal must be submitted in writing to the State Ethics Commission within 60 days of the employee's receipt of the agency's decision. For more information on appeals, see UEC Section VI.


1.  Casino license holder or applicant means holder of, or an applicant for, a casino license or in any holding or intermediary company with respect thereto, as defined by the “Casino Control Act,” P.L.1977, c. 110 (C.5:12-1 et seq.). It may also include any holder of, or applicant for, a license, permit, or other approval to conduct Internet gaming, or any holding or intermediary company with respect thereto; any Internet gaming affiliate of any holder of, or applicant for, a casino license, or any holding or intermediary company with respect thereto; or any business, association, enterprise, or other entity that is organized, in whole or in part, for the purpose of promoting, advocating for, or advancing the interests of the Internet gaming industry generally or any Internet gaming-related business or businesses in connection with any cause, application, or matter.

2.  Medical cannabis permit includes a medical cannabis cultivator permit, medical cannabis manufacturer permit, medical cannabis dispensary permit, or clinical registrant permit; medical cannabis entities may also include medical cannabis permit holders or applicants, any entity that employs any certified medical cannabis handler to perform transfers or deliveries of medical cannabis, or any holding or intermediary company with respect thereto.

3.  Personal use cannabis license includes a cannabis cultivator, cannabis manufacturer, cannabis wholesaler, cannabis distributor, cannabis retailer, or cannabis delivery service license; personal use cannabis entities may also include personal use cannabis license holders or applicants, any entity that employs or uses a certified personal use cannabis handler to perform work for or on behalf of a licensed cannabis establishment, distributor, or delivery service, or any holding or intermediary company with respect to thereto.

Last updated: September 3rd, 2024