Transfer of Credit Annual Report
In accordance with statute N.J.S.A 18A: 62-46, the Office of the Secretary of Higher Education (OSHE) and the New Jersey Presidents’ Council have established the Comprehensive State-wide Transfer Agreement Adobe PDF (472 kb). Under this agreement OSHE, has compiled data from New Jersey senior public institutions of higher education about students transferring from New Jersey community colleges.
The goal of the legislation is to ensure an efficient transfer of credits for students who begin their education at a community college and are accepted to a senior public college to continue toward their baccalaureate degree. The annual report contains longitudinal data beginning with Fall 2008 and monitors trends in community college student transfer to senior public institutions. The report identifies whether or not a student has earned their Associate Degree, if the degree was reported by both institutions, and whether or not the Bachelor Degree program matches the Associate Degree awarded (AA to BA; AS to BS).
Last Updated:
Thursday, 11/02/17