NJ FamilyCare/Medicaid provides health care coverage for adults age 19-64 who live in New Jersey and who are either U.S. Citizens or qualified immigrants. For an adult to qualify for NJ FamilyCare, the total family income must be at or below 138% of the Federal Poverty Level. For a single person, that is $1,732 a month; for a family of 4, that is $3,588 a month (2024 guidelines).
The NJ FamilyCare Aged, Blind, Disabled (ABD) Programs provide medical coverage to individuals who are age 65 years or older as well as individuals determined blind or disabled by the Social Security Administration or by the State of NJ.
In general, immigrant adults must have Legal Permanent Resident status in the U.S. for at least five years in order to qualify for NJ FamilyCare. Some immigrant adults can qualify if they are lawfully present, regardless of when they entered the U.S. Examples are refugees and asylees, and there are others. Immigrants age 19 and 20 who are lawfully present and have very low income ($509 a month for a single person and $805 a month for a family of 2 – 2024 guidelines) can also qualify.