Reports & Publications

Adult Protective Services (APS) flyer (pdf) provides a brief description of the program and whom it serves. Its also lists contact information for the 21 county offices.

The NJ Department of Health Advance Directives website provides information on advance directives (a.k.a living wills) and includes forms you can use to make your wishes known.

ADRC Guide to Community-Based Long Term Care on-line guide (pdf) provides information and links for those needing long-term services and supports.

The guide can be found at

Alzheimer's Adult Day Services Program Brochure (pdf) provides information to help support New Jersey residents who have Alzheimer’s Disease or related disorders

The Division of Aging Services Program Guide (pdf) is a comprehensive resource guide to Federal and State-funded programs that promote the well-being of seniors and adults with disabilities living in the community.

The Division of Aging Services Program Guide Spanish (pdf)

This research on the personal financial health of NJ seniors was authorized by State law and includes two reports for each year in which they were produced, the New Jersey Elder Economic Security Standard™ Index (EESI) and Living Below the Line: Measuring Economic Insecurity Among New Jersey’s Retired Seniors (LBL). The two reports for each data year produced to date can be found below.

2018 Data - EESI LBL
2016 Data - EESI LBL
2015 Data - EESI LBL

The Office of Emergency Management website has a number of good on-line publications including guides to public health and terrorism preparedness.

The housing options for senior citizens glossary includes 17 different types of housing arrangements available for older adults.

The Jersey Assistance for Community Caregiving (JACC) Brochure (pdf) provides information about the JACC program for New Jersey Seniors. Learn what services are provided, who qualifes, cost and where to apply.

The New Jersey State Strategic Plan on Aging, 2021-25 is a U.S. Administration on Aging-approved plan that establishes priorities for meeting the needs of New Jersey's older adults

The Statewide Respite Care Program Brochure (pdf) explains services the program provides for short-term, intermittent relief to New Jersey’s Caregivers.

Chapter 166 of the Public Laws of 2018, created the New Jersey Caregiver Task Force.  The purpose of the Task Force was to determine the availability of caregiver support services in the State, and provide recommendations for the improvement and expansion of such services. The Task Force’s final report can be found here.

This research on the personal financial health of NJ seniors was authorized by State law and includes two reports for each year in which they were produced, the New Jersey Elder Economic Security Standard™ Index (EESI) and Living Below the Line: Measuring Economic Insecurity Among New Jersey’s Retired Seniors (LBL). The two reports for each data year produced to date can be found below.

New Jersey State Strategic Plan on Aging, 2021-25 [pdf]
This U.S. Administration on Aging approved plan establishes priorities for meeting the needs of New Jersey's older adults.

DoAS policies for aging network administrators and staff reference and use.

Policy Memorandums

Date Subject Number
March 30, 2020 Adult Day Services COVID-19 Guidance  
December 1, 2017

Minimum Standards for Care Managers, Care Management Supervisors, and Care Management Agencies for APC and JACC Care Management
Policy Memorandum
Minimum Standards Manual

2017-12, I-12
June 18, 2013 Participant Record Transfers between Care Management Agencies 2013-13, V-2
September 16, 2011 Plan of Care (POC) 2011-26, V-3
September 16, 2011 Re-evaluation of Level of Care 2011-24, V-1
March 31, 2011 Care Management Agency Standards 2011-10, VII-8
March 31, 2011 Care Management Supervisor Standards 2011-9, VII-7
March 8, 2011 Care Management Services – Quality Focus Areas for DACS Funded Programs 2011-8, VII-6
March 15, 2011 Care Manager Standards 2011-7, VII-5
July 2008 Critical Incident Report 2008-9, VII-1


Program Instructions and Notices

Date Subject Number
July 1, 2020

COVID-19 Clinical Eligibility Communication for LTC Providers

April 6, 2020

Statewide Respite Care Program COVID-19 Guidance on Admissions
Provisional Application for Remote/Verbal Use Only

SCRP PI 2020-01
March 26, 2020 COVID-19 Policy Guiidance for PACE NA
March 30, 2020 JACC COVID-19 Guidance JACC PI 2020-03
March 20, 2020

COVID-19 Policy Guidance: Suspension of Face-to-Face Assessments and Suspension of Level I and Level II Requirements

March 14, 2020

Congregate Nutrition Services COVID-19 Notice

March 2020 Medicaid Notice: COVID-19 and Ensuring Access to Prescription Medications (including ADDP, Medicaid, PAAD and Senior Gold) NA
February 21, 2020

JACC 2020 Co-Pay Information
Program Instruction
2020 Co-Pay Worksheet (JACC-404)  pdf  doc
2020 Co-Pay Amounts

JACC PI 2020-02
March 1, 2019

JACC 2019 Co-Pay Information
Program Instruction
2019 Co-Pay Worksheet (JACC-404)  pdf  doc
2019 Co-Pay Amounts

JACC PI 2019-01
February 6, 2018

JACC 2018 Co-Pay Information
Program Instruction
2018 Co-Pay Worksheet (JACC-404)  pdf  doc

QA PI 2018-01

The New Jersey Age-Friendly Blueprint outlines actionable ideas and overarching philosophies to improve New Jersey’s communities for their aging populations